
Showing posts from May, 2010

A Conspiratorial View of British Politics

I read a most insightful article by the Third Estate a short while back that observed that the reason why there is little distinction between the right and left with regards to the top 3 parties is that they are so accustomed to pandering to the demands of the public that their ideological compass reflects experiences reminiscent of that which might be experienced in the Bermuda Triangle. But what’s left unanswered is why said pandering to the demands of the public tends to see a swing of the entire spectrum of the left and right to the right? Well, that’s for another observation, but in my waking moments this morning, I thought that a good strategy to swing them to the right, and the people along with it, would be to infiltrate the left with right-wingers who would then take the party right enough to make the right more palatable. A conspiracy? Or perhaps a sign of times gone right given the masses being increasingly customised for life within a capitalist milieu where both left a

Thoughts on Communists, violent revolutions, and the Socialist tendency

What a myth - this view amongst some that to be a communist is to support the violent overthrow of a government. This seems to be assumed to be one of the articles of faith amongst communists that leads to the demonisation of communists and communism, and socialism itself. In reality, communists have been divided on this subject for quite a while. Some do believe in violent revolution, whilst others believe in bringing it about through the democratic process. Communist, in other words, is not synonymous with some shady individual in a Mao cap garnished with a singular red star lurking with violent intent behind some bush a stone’s throw from parliament. I, for one, have met quite a few communists here in the UK whom seem more inclined to sing Kumbaya around the campfire and would definitely shudder at the thought of brandishing a pistol to usher in a red dawn. This demonisation, in some parts of the world, has led to the distancing between oppositional movements from the socialis