
Showing posts from September, 2022

Let's Play...

The job of the people, the masters, is to assume the government and professionals are lying, incompetent, or simply imperfect, WHILE the job of the government and professionals is to prove they aren't in order to justify retaining their jobs.  For governments and professionals to assert and enforce otherwise is treason, insurrection, and premeditated grievous bodily harm and murder as it takes away power from the people and is a claim to owning them. Democracy first and foremost is about the inalienable right to be skeptical in the face of our servants and not face repercussion of any kind.   NO pretext can be allowed to compromise that as it gives the few the power to own and compromise all and transfer the ownership of civilisation from its true Masters to its servants.   edX

The Evils

It's pretty bally pointless philosophising, or reasoning, or moralising with people at present, especially those in east asia and the White northern hemisphere and those within their Mephistophelean influential auspices. To do so would require people to have, intact, their natural born instinct for the value of their lives and at the very least, their closest and dearest.  But when even that is absent, to moralise with them requires one to espouse the significance of the value of life itself!  Even animals don't require that for goodness sakes. It's fruitless to begin with proselytising on the value of life itself,  because to have to teach someone about the value of their own lives, and the lives of their closest, means they already don't value it, and that can only be if they have completely lost their humanity and a significant part of their sentience itself, which places them lower than animal and plant life.  They are already diminished in humanity e

the Corporate Whore, in brief

Sexism' and 'feminism' are terms of criticism the elite promoted to present the institution of marriage as slavery so as to turn the corporate ownership, modification, exploitation and defeminisation of women into a virtue, and for women to relocate their sense of fulfillment in what was whitewashed as a 'career'.  White people need to do some thinking for a change. edX