
Showing posts from April, 2011

Are you viewing porn 'too much'?

This article is rated 18 I (for those whom are 18 years of age and inquisitive only) "Those people spending large amounts of time accessing porn are not having more fun," said Dr Heather Wood. "They are more worried about themselves, more worried about what they are looking at, and report more relationship problems." Four per cent of men aged 18-24 (in the UK) said they used adult sites for more than 10 hours a week, a level which doctors describe as "problematic and potentially compulsive". bbc There are quite a few ways of looking at it. You could say that those who don’t look at porn sites enough, and, um, pleasure themselves whilst doing so, are more prone to premature ejaculation, not being able to ‘do it’ for long enough, and don’t have much of an imagination whilst doing it. You could also say that those who spend too much time doing such things won’t have much of a personality other than one which might aptly present him as nothing more than a ‘

Did Milli Vanilli really do wrong?

To those who don’t know, Milli Vanilli, a pop group of the 80s, had its grammy revoked when it was discovered that their award-winning song wasn’t sung by them. They were just lip-synching to a song sung by someone else. This was Frank Farian’s idea - the one who formed and managed the group that was fronted by Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus. Why? Because Farian felt that the original singers lacked a marketable image. Well, according to current music standards, singers don’t generally make it unless they have a particular image do they. I’m not talking about all those sad gits queueing up for American Idol and its other global copies. Such shows will have to select the best copycats - there’s nothing original about the music style of any of these ‘idol’-style contests - whether they look like they had ten too many t.v. dinners in the course of a single movie or were as tone-deaf as William Hung who seemed to have a voice more suited to shouting out orders in a takeaway. It is, aft

Considering Piracy, in brief.

ed's comment on youtube: Well, even legal DVDs are copies aren't they. So should we support the producers who are making billions from copies of movies or Lovefilm who want a share of these billions. The question at the end of the day ought to be if corporations, 'stars', etc, should be allowed to make this much money from copies. Perhaps the answer to this question might go some way in determining whom the real pirates are. Failing to answer this might simply serve to grant particular sectors the exclusive rights to piracy. ed