
Showing posts from May, 2013

Should violent videos be banned?

Facebook's decision to remove videos showing people being decapitated leaves the firm in a quandary: should or shouldn't it impose a wider censorship policy?

 Since publishing the article, readers have contacted the BBC to complain about other videos, including:
 - one that shows killings which do not involve beheadings - clips involving cruelty to dogs and other animals - a smartphone recording of a schoolgirl being punched to the ground by another pupil 
In all cases they said the network had refused their requests to remove the material. A spokeswoman for Facebook confirmed its policy had only been amended in regard to decapitations. - bbc Back in the 70s, people criticised The Waltons, Little House on the Prarie, etc, for not reflecting 'real life'. Thereafter came 'real life' shows which basically killed of the Idyllic family in real life or any inclinations towards it.  It became 'corny' or 'embarrassing' to be close to one's family th

Book vs e-book

I'm still in love with the printed word, be it in ink or e-ink

  ~  ed I had been an avid book-reader since i was a child, but with books tearing on me, i decided that it would be wiser for me to upgrade my views on this so that i wouldn't have to keep buying the same books over and over again - like my Sherlock Holmes, Rumpole, and Jeeves and Wooster (Rumpole has the Oxford Book of English Verse as a constant bedside companion, i have the Rumpole Omnibuses and the aforementioned:) ) I save space on books and DVDs (the latter replaced by a hard-drive and a WDTV) and replace it with music-making tools, toys, comics and records now As for the issue of book vs ebook-reader, it is a non-issue for me now. What i'm focused on is what is the best e-reader in terms of function and feature. Kindle has great marketing strategies, the Kobo has a great e-book reader - given its non-proprietary approach, and its memory card slots. As for being able to share e-books, well, unlike mysel