
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Left's so Right about LGBTQ that they ain't Left No More

LGBTQ-promotion is constantly derided as 'leftist' nonsense in the west.  Firstly, let me make this clear.  I'm alright with people being lgbtq, but against its normalisation and promotion.  We can have all our fetishes, but demanding that it be represented in the media as normal to the point of promoting it, that's where I draw the line.  We need to retain our right to question our impulses, not normalise them just because we've turned 18.  Promoting the LGBTQ's agenda is the promotion of 'don't think, just do it'.  Well mate, regarding the idea of the 'Left' being pro-LGBTQ, I'm getting sick and tired of being the only one i've encountered with some objective and adult commonsense. A lright, let me make this clear and simple. Pay attention. Oi! I said pay attention. 1. It is the Right that produced this homosexual/transgender/lgbtqxyz epidemic. Why? Because within the capitalist system, all religion, spirituality, meaningful purs

What the Vatican and can't

"One of the main contributions of the Second Vatican Council was precisely seeking a way to overcome this divorce between theology and pastoral care, between faith and life. I dare say that the Council has revolutionized to some extent the status of theology – the believer’s way of doing and thinking. The theologian who is satisfied with his complete and conclusive thought is mediocre. The good theologian and philosopher has an open, that is, an incomplete, thought, always open to the maius [greaterness] of God and of the truth, always in development,” Francis wrote in Veritatis Gaudium." - cna   T his, is only part of the story. Given that whatever the Vatican thinks comes from their experience within western history, it will endow them with particular ways of looking at things and discerning reality. We can learn from that certainly. However, there is more parts to the story that will remain untold till the rest of us appreciate Christianity with our cultural and historical

Happy Year of the Sheep

The reason why i do not like the 'chinese new year'. The cny is more of a 'coping and apathy-reinforcing mechanism' that enables the people to put up with, and perpetuate, the oppressive circumstances that gave birth to it. P utting it simply, when there is enough top-down oppression that has been left unquestioned - as is the case in chinese history for more than 2000 years - a culture results that enables one to survive within it. It defines the idea of 'success', plots the trajectory of a people's aspirations as an individual and collective; defines the source of motivation; determines how people view and treat one another; determines the degree to which difference is discriminated against; and basically forms the paradigm and prism through which reality is made sense of. Here is a simple equation illustrating this - top-down exploitative and oppressive circumstances > increases financial pressures and reduces thought > increases and entrenches mutu