
Showing posts from December, 2020

Not All Love is Made Equal, or Should be, for a Good Reason

Not All Love is Made Equal ...and thank God for that. The variation in the kind of love we can give aids in developing various aspects of our persona.  So, the love we can have for a flower, a same-gender friend vs the romantic love for an opposite gender, the love for parents, a niece, a nephew, a brother, a sister, nature, ALL directs us to, and develops various aspects of OUR natures. When i see the love between TC, Rick, and Magnum, it tells me of the love of friendship 'without benefits'.  I see it in old Tamil movies, where one guy refers to another guy as his, 'nanban' (friend, but with more meaning than when used in the west or with reference to Faceook's 'friends'.  It means someone you trust, you can lay your life down for, is like family, someone close to your heart....which is why friendship plays a central role in old tamil movies to degrees never seen in western movies.)  When you take sex, or the possibility of sex or romantic relationship, ou

What's this, 'Speaking in Tongues'?

  SPEAKING in Tongues? _______ I was hanging out with an ole 1980s (English-speaking Indian) friend of mine - who's still holding on, quite successfully i must add, to that elusive thing called 'style'.....which is quite a feat these fashionable but style-less days - and he was mentioning a chinese catholic woman friend of his who is quite into this 'speaking in tongues' thing that, from what i learnt from him, is becoming quite the rage amongst quite a few catholics these days here.   My first response was, "man, these people, (and their chinese archbishop even) support and revere racist and fascist leaders and governments, can't be bothered about other races and cultures, or learning their languages, and they want to move on to speaking heavenly languages?  Ask them learn terrestrial ones first."  My friend, being Indian, understood the joke and laughed.  Indians from the 80s, being more Indian and multicultural, were quite a witty lot.....till many

Is Anti-Semitism becoming a Virtue?

  With regards to Jewish occupation of Palestine... ...I don't know what all this incessant petulant debating is about.   If the Jews occupying Palestine can't live with difference, want the land for themselves, and want to evict all those whom aren't Jews, they should be answered with force and kicked out.  The same was done with the Nazis, the same should be done with the Jews occupying Palestine.  What?  Are they the chosen people or something?  Beyond the law?  Beyond reproach?  Hence it isn't double standards because they are not subject to the rules of ethics and fairplay that the rest of us mere mortals are subject?   I don't know why one rule should be applied to the Nazis, and another for the Jews.  I didn't know that once being a victim (of the Nazis) is a green card that allows the Jews to do likewise to the Palestinians.  Yes, they do not use gas chambers like the Nazis, but the end-result they seek is identical - a land free of those they view as in