The Evils

It's pretty bally pointless philosophising, or reasoning, or moralising with people at present, especially those in east asia and the White northern hemisphere and those within their Mephistophelean influential auspices.

To do so would require people to have, intact, their natural born instinct for the value of their lives and at the very least, their closest and dearest. 

But when even that is absent, to moralise with them requires one to espouse the significance of the value of life itself!  Even animals don't require that for goodness sakes.

It's fruitless to begin with proselytising on the value of life itself,  because to have to teach someone about the value of their own lives, and the lives of their closest, means they already don't value it, and that can only be if they have completely lost their humanity and a significant part of their sentience itself, which places them lower than animal and plant life.  They are already diminished in humanity enough to devalue life, so they can't be taught to value it. That is akin to teaching one who is born visually-blind about the beauty of the rainbow.

One can't perceive value when one does not have the ability to perceive. 

One's value for life can be enhanced, in terms of teaching someone to appreciate others lives as much as the lives of one's own through empathy.  But one can't be taught about the value for life itself if one has not value for One's own life or one's closest.

There are many institutional and psychological means via which one can be reduced to this inhumane level, but what seals the deal, so to speak, is when a pretext is supplied to help them to practice it, as supplied by the treasonous genocidal premeditated grievous bodily harm and murderous efforts to coerce injections that were proven to kill, and whose long-term and epigenetic effects are completely unknown, or purposefully undisclosed.

YOU Dirty Rat

What kind of person YOU have already transformed into prior to that will be then seen in terms of whether you look for ONE reason to oppose it, or ONE (t)reason to go shopping and holidaying with it and thus become a collaborator. 

Those who value life and people will focus on how it may harm. Those who don't, will focus on its alleged benefits to those whom aren't killed by it. Such a people are a gross abomination as they are no different from those who engage in human sacrifice in the possible hope that they might gain from it.  No different from someone who chooses to be the last in a game of Russian Roulette in which even their own families are expected to participate, rather than kick in the teeth of the one imposing it.

These are the ones whom have lost the value for life itself; who illogically condemn all 'possibilities' as 'conspiracy nonsense'; instead of expecting and ensuring that conspiracies can never take place through people-instituted checks and balances to ensure it can never happen. These are the people who make dismal and abysmal fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, grandsons, nieces, friends, who can't even be bothered about each other to be sure before, at the very least,  allowing their closest from possible dangers that can very easily arise in the absence of checks and balances to ensure it does not.

So how can you teach someone to value the life of her grandfather when she does not mind him dying from a coerced and willfully misinformed injection in the first place? Who hopes you, her friend, will die from it instead of her.  Who would not even spend time to ask questions and have them clarified till logical satisfaction; or to even notice the brazenly and obvious gross biases bolstering claims of safety and necessity; or is alright with one's neighbour's right to say no being accompanied with death threats to one's wife, children and parents through forced unemployment? 

Such a people are evil personified and certainly can't be taught the value for life when they thrive on devaluing it by refusing to do any on the above.

So, like i said, It's pretty bally pointless philosophising, or reasoning, or moralising with people.

People who value life will look for one reason to suspect. Those who don't will demonise those who do.

Such, aren't people.



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