How 'Israel' Justifies Chinese Colonisation of Tibet

[the following article was first published in 2006 by ed at a previous site] The state of Israel was formed on the basis of a number of reasons, with one of them being the increasing rate of Jewish occupation of the region which in turn served to bolster the Zionist claim to a significant portion of the land of the Palestinians. (what may be termed, 'Ethnic Saturation'). The Ethnic Saturation of Palestine commenced with the efforts of the Zionist movement - convened in 1897 by Hungarian-born Jewish journalist, Theodor Herzl. This movement sought to unite those of the Jewish Diaspora in the land of the Palestinians in order to escape the historical persecution they had suffered in the hands of the Europeans in Europe. (the population of Jews in Palestine at the time was about 5%) This accelerated after the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that expressed British support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the hope of garnering American/Russian Jewish support for the Allied w...