The White Man vs Us

The BBC asked on a Facebook post, 'What is the most dangerous animal on earth'? ed: "The white man.....colonialism, the colonial holocaust, world wars, nuclear bombs, terrorism, rampant capitalism, genocides-via-embargoes, supporting terror, colluding with terroristic governments and states, coke, macdonalds, gory movies, shaky cameras, lady gaga, like buttons.....amongst others." They don't need to prove you're wrong. They just need to prove it offends. White media is the biggest whitewash in human history. eX Given that the west promotes 'white worship', through their movies, the way they skew their news to present themselves as the good guys, heroes to be marvelled at, civilised, progressive, great humanitarians, there is a need to view this situation in a dichotomous, 'Us vs the White Man'. The best way for any sector to promote an agenda is to de-racialise or de-sectorise itself. In this context, to take away one's focus on them a...