Racism. Blaming the Victim and the Idea of Harmony

Racism. Blaming the Victim and Chinese-style 'Harmony' Calling out racism is an effort to get rid of it. To allege that a person who calls it out as 'inciting hatred or ill will between races' first requires one to prove racism doesn't exist. If not, such an allegation is an effort to perpetuate racism or turn a blind eye to it. So were all those women who were calling for equality with men 'trying to incite hatred between genders or ill will between genders'? Was the black civil rights movement in the US an organisation designed to 'incite hatred against white people'? What nonsense. COMPLAIN so much for what?! This 'blaming the victime' approach comes from the age-old chinese perspective that the people should not question the status quo but do their best within it, and leave the thinking to the professionals. Hence, they have a problem with 'complainers'. The content of the complaint doesn't matter. The f...