Reinstating Singapore's Soul

A vote for the PAP is... ...a vote for a party that promotes enmity between races by purporting to favour one race over others. ....a vote to maintain the learnt and false perception that the government are our benefactors instead of our servants. ...a vote for self-interest, social division and mutual alienation as they appeal to one's own selfish or constituency's interests despite the interests of others. ...a vote for the normalisation of racism as we are saying their racist preferences are alright so long as our personal self interests are satisfied by other aspects of their manifesto. ...a vote for going with the familiar instead of seeking what we might have missed by supporting other parties. ...a vote for mental illness as they impose rules without logical reasons thus requiring one to compromise ones sense of reason in order to accept it, and which thus serves as a foundation for weakening our intellectual acuity and objectivity required to allay mental illness. A Vot...