Facebook's Ministry of Truth actually works to strengthen the Right-Wing

Is this the real intention of the people who run Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and whatnot? Or are they just as stupid as Wile E Coyote? It is best to keep your enemies close, not only so that you can keep an eye on what they are doing, but also perhaps to coax them into being your friend instead. If everyone drove their individual demon out of their houses, it just serves to allow these demons to regroup and attack each house with an entire army. Same thing goes here. When Facebook drives out all those who do not unquestioningly subscribe to their definition of 'hate speech', or 'community guidelines' (designed to ensure the ascendency of particular communities over others) or their agenda to normalise whatever they deem should be the norm, it just drives all these castaways out for regrouping in some other locale. What happens then? These castaways, like the young being assimilated by the 'information age' on Corporate Social Media, will jus...