White/Jewish Hollywood, Take responsibility for your 'Entertainment'!

The Devil All the Time, anti-christian, anti-human, blasphemous filth transmitted across the globe. That's what it is. I'm no saint, but i like to compartmentalise my sins away from my daily fare of life experiences so that i do not confuse evil for life itself, and give adequate room for the expression and development of other aspects of my persona. BUT, this movie, like many others, is way beyond the pale. It promotes hate of christians, the church, religion, and humanity itself. Gone are the days when beautiful shows like The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, Highway to Heaven, took centrestage. Now, Hollywood is nothing more than the Coliseum and Caligula rolled into one big joint. THE MOVIE Basically, we have a father, who is presented as a devout christian, shooting his dog as a sacrifice so that God would cure his terminally-ill wife. And then he goes on to crucify his dog on the cross before which he and his ...