The Soylent Age

We are exiting Humanity and entering the Soylent Age. There is no stopping it. Thine enemy, if not thee, is beside, bedside, with even the copper being guilty of aiding genocide. Let me put it simply, in world war 2, the whites rose up to fight against an evil of their making. The Nazi and Japanese war machine were a direct corollary of western white supremacist colonial capitalist imperialism - if you care to read enough history. So in putting down the Nazis, they countered the growing very-much-Nazi-colonial-white-supremacist evil amongst them, which had inevitably given birth to the evil they fought. In this action against the German Nazis, they sort of did a semi soul-search and were re-humanised to a significant degree. They certainly couldn't fight an evil whilst being its twin could they. They didn't fight the nazis to liberate those slavs, poles, romani, jews, amongst others, in racist white supremacis...