The significance of iPad's missing USB slot

Sometimes, it is what we buy into today that determines what innovations are left out tomorrow That's about the size of it. When people started buying the Ipod Nano - which basically gave you less space for more money - I knew that this didn't bode well for the 'innovations' of the morrow. That basically slowed down technological progress or else we would have seen large storage spaces in smaller sizes today, and the larger storage spaces that are available in smaller sizes today much earlier. You could say that Apple is one of the greatest evils of our times, and Jobs, one of the greatest of the devil's minions, not because it is evil per se, but because it's products are popular enough to be used as a medium to compromise the objective sense and sensibilities of many. Profit is paramount in capitalism. That is why, as there is no immediate profit from feeding the hungry or poverty-stricken areas, 4000 children die every day in certain parts of the world...