Multiculturalism, the best antidote to everything

If people were as 'multicultural' as these viruses, they would already have immunity to a whole load of viruses than they currently are. So you could say that this virus is a sort of 'punishment' for your gullibility, stupidity and arrogance. The best sort of protection one can have against this situation is to get multicultural, and not be conned by the eurocentric media to believe that their profiteering pharmaceutical companies are the only ones who can cure anything....along with their whole culture that is supposed to be the 'best' at everything, and which we ought to emulate. One, logically, can never fully trust, or depend on, any people who believe the sun rises and sets out of their arse, as that will only cast a perpetual shadow across the rest of the body of human knowledge, wisdom, and history. The 'wisdom', 'insights', and 'perspectives' of such a people is based on the poverty of their knowledge arising out of ...