Multiculturalism, the best antidote to everything

If people were as 'multicultural' as these viruses, they would already have immunity to a whole load of viruses than they currently are. So you could say that this virus is a sort of 'punishment' for your gullibility, stupidity and arrogance. The best sort of protection one can have against this situation is to get multicultural, and not be conned by the eurocentric media to believe that their profiteering pharmaceutical companies are the only ones who can cure anything....along with their whole culture that is supposed to be the 'best' at everything, and which we ought to emulate.

One, logically, can never fully trust, or depend on, any people who believe the sun rises and sets out of their arse, as that will only cast a perpetual shadow across the rest of the body of human knowledge, wisdom, and history. The 'wisdom', 'insights', and 'perspectives' of such a people is based on the poverty of their knowledge arising out of the wealth of their arrogant ignorance of the rest of humankind.

Even the Eurocatholic Papacy, or Holy See, or rather, 'Wholly Don't See', is of the same eurocentric school with their all-white papal ancestry (execpt for a couple of thousand years ago or so). Actually, rather than them leading the global catholic community, they should look towards the rest of the non-western world to be led. If you think about it logically, up to the point before globalisation, they only saw a part of the what God might be. You see, according to the Catholic faith, God made man in His image. Logically, since God is all-Good, he either created us in His image and made us the same - which we are not, culturally-speaking - or, made us different and gave each of us, or some of us, various and different parts of Him. And in coming together, united, in appreciation of each other, we will not only be able to piece these together and basically pool the best of our cultural resources together, we will really become one through such mutual appreciation and love that we will finally be able to become a manifestation of that part of Him that we are a mirror of.

But what actually happened was, the white man saw a particular aspect of God that his historical experience enabled him to see, and then told the rest of us to just follow him. We've been blinkered ever since. So this problem is across the board, from the hegemony of the catholic church, and all the various brands of western faiths, hollywood, their entertainment and cultural industries, their 'science', their philosophies, etc. We become like someone crippled, deafened, blinded, and are making sense of reality through just one sense, and thus ignoring all else. In that, the west has become the prototypical 'professional' through whose limited development we paradoxically seek to maximise our development.

We can at best be like them, but never fully human, or in catholic terms, discover that image of God which we are mirror of. We are trapped in within the prism of the historically limited paradigm of those who've confused what they are for the only thing the rest of us are. Childish certainly.  Hilariously, and tellingly enough, the western 'all-seeing eye', as seen on the US dollar bill, doesn't have ears or other senses.  You can look left and right when before crossing the road, but it is your other senses that tells you if you need to look left again.  The eyes complement your other sense, not serve as a substitute for it.  Their 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' is based on the blinding of other senses in favour of the one sense they have.  Same thing applies to culture.

'middle'.  Certainly an illustration of an uncompromising narrow fascist, 'one way' mentality

We see a similar problem amongst the Chinese of, with their 'don't think and leave the thinking to the professionals' approach to human development. And they've had 2000 years experience in kow-towing their way backwards through history, reducing the various aspects of their humanity, till eating and opportunism is all they do. Kow-Taoists, i call them, whom marry the Yang of mass subservience to the Yin of the self-aggrandizing will of their hallowed 'sons of heavens' 'Tian Zi', from the likes of Shih Huang Ti to Mao to Lee Kuan Yew, who attempt to bring out the best in people that can be achieved through an abusive, unreasonable, and extortionate system.

From the Government (yin, feminine), that seduces and appeals to the worst impulses of Man, the potentials (Yang, masculine) of the masses emerge that then emits light from the darkest recessess of the human heart to be cast as a shadow over the evolution of humankind at the expense of our better nature.

It answer the question, how can we bring out the best in people whilst extolling the virtues of self-absorption, greed, mutual alienation. The 'best' that can be achieved with such a dismal civilisation is that it becomes a prosperous hell, but never heaven. It just basically redefines the idea of 'best' and 'people' along the lines of the worst of humanity and see the best that transpires as the definition of heaven. Instead of being defined by the eradication of our evils, they are defined by making the most money out of it.

The western capitalist system does the same, whilst allowing the people to contribute to how it can be done. The chinese system does it without popular contribution. In the western system, the people are gradually left to oursource their humanity to the professionals through celebrity-worship, entertainment, etc. In the chinese system, the people are told to do it from the outset.

It's about time people rethink what it means to be human, if one of the hallmarks of their existence is leaving the thinking to the professionals.

The moral of the story is, don't let the professionals think for you. They may have a 1% super-smart population, but that is still a loss of 99% if the rest leave the thinking to the professionals and not contribute.

'Professionals', LOGICALLY, are just the final result of the work of the thinking masses. Where the thinking masses don't think, the professionals only have 1% intelligence. All cultures have this sort of problem, but the chinese are proud of their one party-Leading-the-(bleating)Masses 'culture', whether it be in China or Singapore; and the west has this problem by way of gradually casting aside their elders and letting their juveniles lead the evolution of their society from language, perspectives, and entertainment. Both the west and the chinese can't be trusted as both have abdicated the definition of adulthood to the professionals.

With the western sort of mentality, you can't build hospitals in a week, and you won't be able to prevent illnesses from ocurring in the first place.   With the chinese sort of mentality, you can build hospitals in a week, but you also won't be able to prevent illnesses from ocurring in the first place.  You will suffer a negative-loss, which is losing a lot, but not having the intelligence to know you have made that loss, or it is your fault, and attributing all losses and ailments to an 'act of God' whilst denying His existence, that basically turns God into an Azazel Goat/scapegoat himself. (The devil works through paradoxes. I took a weekend pass out of hell to let you know. I've always been a remorse-stricken devil myself.)

This global #coronawotsit situation, along with a host of others, are a result of people across the world leaving the thinking to the professionals, celebrities, and ballkickers, AND, cultural arrogance on the part of the west and the chinese. They are, unfortunately, holding culturally hegemonic clout, and discounting, demonising, and destroying difference on a daily basis. That causes a severe loss in human intelligence and individualism. And it is THAT which has made this situation with the virus, the climate, capitalism, HIV, cancer, poverty, etc, etc, a reality, rather than just an episode of the 80s sliders in an alternative reality constructed by the greedy at the expense of everyone including themselves.

In that, the coronavirus is a heaven-sent check to reveal the consequences of your wilful ignorance and arrogance. Like i've said many a time, Ignorance may be bliss, but it will not absolve you of its consequences. Till you learn to take responsibility for your own evolution, you will be playing hosts to a whole array of evils that will once in a while reach boiling point and produce evils that you will then bemoan like the idiots who just won't connect the dots.



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