Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full? And the Right Answer is...

The strategy of Corporations and governments in the long run is to get people to stop seeing the cup as half empty, 1. by downsizing the size of the cup to half so it can be perceived as completely full 2. by downsizing the thirst of the people so they view the glass as full enough 3. by getting the people to compensate for the glass being half empty by looking elsewhere for nourishment And this works by downsizing people's intelligence, aspirations, self-identity, ideas on what is ideal, etc, etc, in proportion to the downsizing of the glass, through the reduction of expectations via the provision of means to get around a half empty glass. The hunger for profit by the few can never be reconciled with the maximal development of all the people. Yup. The best means supplied by capitalist and fascist governments globally to get around a problem is by getting you to not see it as one. And how that is done is by 1. providing you ways to get around it...