Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full? And the Right Answer is...

The strategy of Corporations and governments in the long run is to get people to stop seeing the cup as half empty, 

1. by downsizing the size of the cup to half so it can be perceived as completely full

2. by downsizing the thirst of the people so they view the glass as full enough

3. by getting the people to compensate for the glass being half empty by looking elsewhere for nourishment

And this works by downsizing people's intelligence, aspirations, self-identity, ideas on what is ideal, etc, etc, in proportion to the downsizing of the glass, through the reduction of expectations via the provision of means to get around a half empty glass.  The hunger for profit by the few can never be reconciled with the maximal development of all the people. 

Yup.  The best means supplied by capitalist and fascist governments globally to get around a problem is by getting you to not see it as one.   And how that is done is by 1.  providing you ways to get around it where the immediate financial or social problem is resolved whilst leaving the long-term one unaddressed, 2.  providing you with a formulae by which you can blame yourself if it doesn't work for you, 3. getting you to attribute all the evils that emerge from this sort of society to 'nature' or 'the way things are'.  

That is how the glass can be perceived as full and distract the people from the fact that the glass is getting smaller.  

An optimist sees the glass as half full.  A pessimist sees it as half empty.  But it is the realist who sees it being half filled as a prelude to the cup being downsized.  And the only way such a cup can be perceived as full is if you have been fooled to not realise what is stated here.  

That is how ignorance delivers bliss.  But you can be sure that just as flatulence follows in the wake of the consumption of beans and lentils - unless you invest in either some asafoetida or a cork - it will not relieve you of its consequences.  

The perception of a glass being half empty and half full is temporary.  It means that the person has previous memory or expectations of more, and thus notices the glass being half empty.  But with the following generation, whom will have no memory of having more, the size of the glass is reduced so that it looks full.  

And so on and so forth, generation after generation, the size of the glass gets smaller, till people become mindless consumers, celeb-worshipers, are entertained by gore and depravity, kill babies in the womb and be as bad as they can be in the name of freedom, and begin to camp outside of Apple stores for the release of some piece of shiny shite.  

The issue should never be if the glass is half empty or half full, but why the glass isn't bigger.

The issue should never be if the glass is half empty or half full, but why the glass isn't bigger.  To say that people are either optimists or pessimists on the basis of their answer is to say it is just a matter of how you look at things.  That just simply allows exploitation and the underdevelopment of the people to continue.  The reason why they want you to squabble amongst yourselves about the glass being half empty or full as opposed to asking why the glass isn't bigger is because they want to keep the rest of the water in the barrel for themselves.  The very question, 'is the glass half empty or full' itself indicates that society has gotten used to the way it is.  And that is the problem.  In a truly progressive society, such a question wouldn't even be thought of.

The bigger the glass, the more you are nourished, the more you become.  So even if the glass is full now, the glass is never big enough.  Because, when the glass is big enough, you would have reached perfection.  And till then, it is prudence to demand that the glass get bigger so that you can grow to be more than the smaller glass you are accustomed to sipping from allows you to imagine.  The space above the brim of the glass is that which one needs filling to become more than one currently can imagine.  


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