
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Racist Evil of Nationalism

How is it that people don't even realise that this is a racist post?  Sheeesh...kebab. "As China and the US look set to shrink in population, what can they do to encourage people to procreate?" Seriously now.  If your population is declining, open your doors to people from countries with a high population, or from anywhere.  Wanting to just increase your population from your 'own people' is racist and intellectually, creatively, spiritually, retarding - as any cognitive psychologist will tell you. For instance, they do that in singapore by bemoaning falling chinese birthrates and importing in chinese so that they can keep it a chinese majority state - even though it originally was a malay state. Such willful racism just makes you close your eyes to intellectually-enriching difference and hence makes you stupid enough to deem nothing amiss when the government threathens imprisonment for people whom forget to clear their glass at a coffeeshop if they d...

LGBT, in a nutshell.

LGBT are a group of people whom can't find anything worthwhile to be confused about, anything significant to be self-realised about, and basically too ignorant about all global cultures to have a more meaningful understanding of the idea of freedom, self, and love. They are a body of people whose source of movement and momentum is motivated by ignorance, rather than knowledge, and are attempting to eke whatever wisdom they can out of that ignorance. no meaningful culture + sexualised culture + young people being the main market force + wilful ignorance and dismissal of all global cultures = LGBT Silly me.  I thought being gender fluid - like i was in my teens in the 80s - was to take on the laudable traits of the other gender, not confuse your asshole for a pussy? edX

Gender Fluidity anyone?

''Universal Pictures has apologised for dubbing actress Laverne Cox's character with the voice of a man in some non-English versions of the Oscar-winning film Promising Young Woman. Cox, one of Hollywood's most high-profile transgender actresses, plays coffee shop owner Gail. But in Italy, her voice was replaced by that of actor Roberto Pedicini. Universal said it was "sorry for the pain caused", and was re-dubbing the film for multiple countries.'' - bbc That is discrimination that!   Perhaps the man who did the dubbing 'identifies as' a woman!....thus making his voice that of a woman even though it sounds like a man!   Or maybe, he 'identified as' a woman only while he was doing the dubbing.  After all, gender fluidity isn't fixed right.  In which case, that wasn't a man's voice, but a woman's voice despite it sounding like a man because he identified as a woman while doing it.   Or maybe he ...

What's so special about Chinavirus19 that we need to.....

According to the following quoted site, all humans can never develop sufficient antibodies to fight the chinavirus19, and need to get vaccinated all their lives, and that if anyone doesn't, they are guilty of spreading it.  First read what they have to say... *** from Factcheck : '' Olivier Schwartz, head of the Virus and Immunity Unit at the Pasteur Institute, told AFP by phone: ā€œIt is obvious that people under 50 who are in good health should be vaccinatedā€ because they can still be affected by the disease. Bruno Lina, professor of virology at the University of Lyon, said that the aim of a mass vaccination campaign is to reduce the transmission of a virus. This would not be effective if only people over 50 years old received the vaccine. That is less than half the population, and ā€œunder these conditions, we will never slow down the circulation of the virus,ā€ he said. Both Schwartz and Lina said that while the Covid-19 vaccines currently authorized canno...

Is Khumb Mela the real cause of Indian CV death-spike?

BBC online : Facebook:  If the Khumb Mela started it, there should have been a death spike from January onwards as that is when the Khumb mela started. How is the western press ignoring this when they themselves reported it in January? Look at the date of the article below.   You'll see that it is dated 14th January, 2021.   The Guardian:  14th January 2021 Now unless, the incubation period for the chinavirus19 is a couple of months, the current viral death-spike should have been running concurrently from January. So.  What's going on? edX  

on, LGBT Madness

"Elliot Page says having transition surgery has been a "life-saving" experience. The Oscar-nominated star of Juno has opened up about coming out as a trans man in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. The Canadian-born actor, 34, said having top surgery had allowed him to "feel comfortable in my body for probably the first time". Top surgery involves the removal of the breast tissue to create a masculine chest." So she's a 'him' now, according to the BBC article.  That's how Corporate Media tends to slip in its bias by recognising this girl as a guy.  Try to keep in mind that the BBC, amongst others, are Corporate-owned, and have ties to other corporate-owned news production houses.  News, in the hands of Corporate-owned media is an orchestrated production, meaning, of all that goes on, there is a bias on which to focus on, how to focus on it, whose opinions are to be presented, whose isn't, how it is to be presen...

CDC says no vaccine-death link?

According to the CDC, nobody dies from the vaccine.  When you look at the following site, the whole thing reads like propaganda. NO Link between vaccine and deaths, is the continuous theme on the CDC site . cdc: ''To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.'' ed: If more than one person can die shortly after taking the vaccine, that IS a pattern.  And if there really isn't a 'pattern', that is a 'pattern' in itself that indicates that the vaccine can be indiscriminate in causing the deaths of people.  That would indicate that some component within the vaccine can interact differently with different people, their biology, their genetic makeup, or health conditions.  If a mass-shooter goes out and shoots people without any pattern, does that mean that he didn't kill anyone? When no pattern is detected, it can also mean that the formulae for detecting pat...