The Racist Evil of Nationalism

How is it that people don't even realise that this is a racist post? Sheeesh...kebab. "As China and the US look set to shrink in population, what can they do to encourage people to procreate?" Seriously now. If your population is declining, open your doors to people from countries with a high population, or from anywhere. Wanting to just increase your population from your 'own people' is racist and intellectually, creatively, spiritually, retarding - as any cognitive psychologist will tell you. For instance, they do that in singapore by bemoaning falling chinese birthrates and importing in chinese so that they can keep it a chinese majority state - even though it originally was a malay state. Such willful racism just makes you close your eyes to intellectually-enriching difference and hence makes you stupid enough to deem nothing amiss when the government threathens imprisonment for people whom forget to clear their glass at a coffeeshop if they d...