
Showing posts from December, 2019

There is no such thing as 'homophobia'

I t is simply a case of the west attempting to promote something perverse across the globe, and calling you a bigot if you don't open your mouth and say 'ahhh'. They think that simply attaching the term 'phobia' to the end of something they want to promote renders your culture and opposition irrelevant and illegitimate. So how about people who hate homosexuals and perhaps get violent with them? What do we refer to them as? Simple - 'guilty of criminal intimidation' and 'grevious bodily harm', and all such variants. Such attacks aren't similar to racial attacks. A race isn't a 'fetish'. We must stand against violent attacks against anyone for their fetish or perversion, but we shouldn't confuse it for standing up for the fetish or perversion itself. If we keep bowing down to everything the west wants us to do, we will end up accepting every fetish of theirs - arising from their overly-sexualised and grossly shal...

Singapore Catholic Church Embraces Racism and Fascism as Justifiable Means to Wealth and Harmony

"He came at a time when Singapore needed a strong leader. Like St Michael who defended the people of God during the ā€œtime of great distress, unparalleled since nations first came into existenceā€, so, too, Mr Lee defended Singapore at a time when the young nation was in danger of both internal and external threats." - Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church, Singapore A s a Catholic , I'm compelled to say, looks like the so-called Singapore Catholic Church doesn't know the difference between the devil's minion and a Saint in their praise of Singapore's late racist, fascist, eugenicist, Chinese supremacist, and grossly authoritarian PM, Lee Kuan Yew. (the Archbishop William Goh's Full Homily in brazen worship and whitewash of Lee Kuan Yew and his atrocities is reproduced after the following commentary.) Praising a racist, a fascist, an elitist as the 'founding father' who exploited people for his own greed and lust for power; turned S...

A Fetus is a Baby with Another Name

I was speaking to an 18 year old girl not too long ago on the matter of abortion, and she vehemently stated that abortion is alright before a heartbeat is detected as that is evidence that it isn't life. This is quite the popular argument amongst those advocating the murder of children in the west as the ultimate evidence and celebration of 'freedom' in the west, and their perverse arguments are becoming quite the trend amongst many of the young white worshippers of the world. These are a new breed of what i term #perverseprogressives. And we cannot let these people hijack the term 'progressive' or the idea of progress as the definition of progress is inextricably linked with the definition of what it means to be Human. W ell, Much of the arguments for sexual debauchery, aka, LGBT; infanticide, aka, 'Pro-choice'; Celebration of Death, Murder, and Promotion of Hatred for Humanity, aka, 'Horror' movies; Promoting Reaction over Int...

Be it from the mouth of angels or devils...

The truth is the truth, wherever it comes from. Remind yourself. Failing to recognise that will give the Devil a monopoly over truth, because all he has to do is to speak the truth, or publicise it greatly when he does, and know that you will discount it because it comes from the Devil. Thereafter, when saints speak a similar truth, you will confuse these saints for Devils for saying the same as them, or think it is all lies because the Devil said the same thing earlier. In such a case, the Devil wins, truth loses. For me, i care not about who vocalises the truth. It may be the Devil, it may be a Saint, but if it is the Truth, its ORIGINS are one and the (Heavenly) same. ed X