A Fetus is a Baby with Another Name
I was speaking to an 18 year old girl not too long ago on the matter of abortion, and she vehemently stated that abortion is alright before a heartbeat is detected as that is evidence that it isn't life. This is quite the popular argument amongst those advocating the murder of children in the west as the ultimate evidence and celebration of 'freedom' in the west, and their perverse arguments are becoming quite the trend amongst many of the young white worshippers of the world.
These are a new breed of what i term #perverseprogressives. And we cannot let these people hijack the term 'progressive' or the idea of progress as the definition of progress is inextricably linked with the definition of what it means to be Human.
Much of the arguments for sexual debauchery, aka, LGBT;
infanticide, aka, 'Pro-choice';
Celebration of Death, Murder, and Promotion of Hatred for Humanity, aka, 'Horror' movies;
Promoting Reaction over Intelligent Thought, aka, 'Shaky Camera movies';
Promoting Alienation and Hatred for Humanity, aka, 'Gaming';
and a host of other evils from the Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah, all rolled into one, aka, The West;
...is based on a play of words, or selective usage of words, to detract one from the whole picture - not unlike how the west distracted much of the world from the fact that they were killing people in the middle east for more than a hundred years by calling those who retaliated 'terrorists'.
The foetus before the detection of a heartbeat is NOT just a 'POTENTIAL for life', but it is 'definite life' because of the 'Immutability' of the end-result.
Hence, these people talk about 'the absence of a heartbeat' or the heartbeat not really being a heartbeat till the heart is formed, or how it needs to thump out in morse code, "Hey, i'm fully formed now, so don't go killing me ok.", to argue that till this potential is realised through a heartbeat that is determined to be a heartbeat in a way that pro-infanticide people are happy with, it isn't life at all. I suppose all those mass murderers who go around shooting school kids in the US also engage in such wordplay as well to determine who is fit to live and who isn't. (Pro-'choice' people are actually Eurofeminist Terrorists actually)
The foetus, or whatever its scientific name is, before the detection of a heartbeat is NOT just a 'POTENTIAL for life', but it is 'definite life' because of the 'Immutability' of the end-result.
If the absence of a heartbeat is proof that it isn't life, then why have methods of resuscitation like CPR, Defribiliators, etc? Just as a person whose heart has stopped is still Life till nothing can be done to revive him, the same applies to a fetus who is life unless it is confirmed that it is going to be stillborn. The only difference between the two is that one had a heartbeat which has ceased, but might still have a heartbeat ONLY after the administration of CPR, and the other didn't have a heartbeat, but WILL have a heartbeat in a matter of weeks. The former is Hope for life, but the latter is Proof of Life.
The Act of Abortion is one of getting rid of a life. It is the fact that it is most definitely going to become life that is proof of life. The heartbeat is simply the immutable end-result that serves as proof of the preceding period being one of growth, and hence, life. Metaphorically, a banknote being legal tender is proof of its worth at a future point when it is exchanged for something. Or are one of these silly eurofeminists going to toss out their money because it has yet to be exchanged for something and is therefore only a piece of paper?
The bottom line is, a fetus is a baby with an impending heartbeat. It is a baby with another name (fetus, etc) to indicate a developmental milestone, not an argument for or a licence to kill.
The relevant word here is 'Immutable'. In other words, it isn't a 'potential life', but definite life in its logical conclusion at the end of the 9 months. There's nothing 'potential' about 'immutable'. Would you throw away a winning lottery ticket for which you can get a million bucks because it isn't literally a million bucks? If you lost it, would you say you just lost a lottery ticket, or would you say that you actually lost a million bucks? It is the latter isn't it. Same thing applies to the fetus or whatever name you want to give it before it gets a discernible heartbeat in the 2nd trimester or earlier. The first trimester is the ticket, the second is the million bucks. The bottom line is, a fetus is a baby with an impending heartbeat. It is a baby with another name (fetus, etc) to indicate a developmental milestone, not an argument for a licence to kill.
The Western Idea of Freedom is a perverse one. It is a freedom that is illustrated by the right to be as evil as you can be without causing the destruction of society. Such a society will evolve into one that is kept intact FOR the pursuit of evil, and must be viewed with fearful skepticism and revulsion. In that, the west, and all those infected by it, are an experiment in the institutionalisation of evil. It began with the colonial enterprise, and is culminating with this. And the sacrifice of babies, like the devilish cults of ole, to the bloody Goddess of Western Freedom is the final baptism of blood that the west is going through with the blood of infants.
You know, I think at the core of it all, these eurofeminists want, not just the right of women to kill babies in the womb, but for them to be free of remorse and regret when doing so. That, i suppose, will to them serve as evidence of their emancipation from the oppression of men. So the baby has to suffer death so that the 'woman' can feel free? That is as psychotically perverse as a man killing a woman and celebrating it as evidence of being free.
What do these eurofeminist wenches want? To be able to run through bloody fields strewn with the corpses of babies, wrapping their entrails around their necks as congratulatory and celebratory garlands of freedom and femdom, THEN they are free? In that, the Eurofeminist movement, at times, comes across as those whom are warring against the Human Conscience - as can be witnessed through western 'culture's' other variants of 'freedom', from eating raw meat; to having debauched, gorey and evil 'entertainment' or 'music'; shaky cameras; euthanaisa; mass sexual promiscuity; LGBT; gaming; etc.
When even women, the nurturers of human life, and the stewards of human conscience, can seek freedom through infanticide, it is corruption that has seeped into the core of humanity. If one was to look at it through Biblical perspectives, they are Revelationary as nothing short of mephistophelean of the worst order seeking not Freedom OF Conscience, but Freedom FROM Conscience.
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