The best solution to the Chinavirus19 is yet to be

Death rates in the west is about 10 to 15 times more than in lots of other states in the southern hemisphere. The western-predicted large death tolls in Africa and India never happened - as i predicted a short while after this event happened.

While in Britain, they are saying that a disproportionately large number of blacks and asians are dying from it, the fact is, they are still a small number of the population, and it is largely the whites whom are dying, AND, the black population of Africa and the Indians in India aren't dying at anywhere near the rate white people are dying from it. SO, I'm wondering if we should all take the jab. I don't want to fall into a situation where the white man has a tummy ache, and i am required to take diarrhea medication - just like after 9/11, the white man expected the whole world to support them in fighting people whom they have been killing and antagonising for hundreds of years by saying, 'you're either with us or against us', and calling the retaliation THEY suffered as an 'attack on civilisation'. No it wasn't. But that was a claim to being the definition of 'civilisation', and betrayed them for the white supremacists they are, except for those those who took exception to that, if they exist at all.

And this is the context within which a solution to the chinavirus19 is being produced? That just means that it is very largely a grossly one-sided solution. That would be a plausible sociological assumption. I don't mind taking the jab, except that i am wondering if that might not compromise my immune system somehow that might make me even more susceptible to future viruses, given the fact that it is already stated by western scientists that taking antibiotics DO weaken one against future strains of viruses. To what extend does it apply here, i wonder? In singapore, 10s of thousands of foreign Indian workers had it.

Have there been studies as to how it has compromised them? Have there been studies as to how they respond to repeat infections? The same applies to India, where many have been infected, but few died from it. (approximately, 100 per million population, vs 1000-1700 per million population in the west). How have those who have been infected had their health compromised? How do they respond to repeat infections? These studies have to be done across the globe in order to find local solutions in countries where people faired far better. On top of seeking a vaccine, i would have done such studies so as to perhaps look for alternative cures, or immunity-enhancers. And such findings can also impact more positively on the vaccines that are finally produced.
I'm not skeptical about the vaccine. I'm skeptical about the Eurocentric foundations that gave rise to this particular variant of a vaccine, and which thus incontrovertibly means that it isn't the best that it could have been.

If these studies have not been done, how is it that what is statistically a largely western and white affliction becoming cause for everyone to take a jab? How would others taking it compromise them in the future, or if at all? Or is this just another way to continue the flow of profits to western pharmaceutical companies from across the globe for an ailment that is largely killing white people? All of this and more has to be considered before governments across the globe start inoculating their populations with the people's money. People are not considering this. The Eurocentric approach toward this whole event might be a typical case of the white man having a tummy ache, and the rest of us rushing to the toilet expecting the runs.
It is only when people become as adaptive as viruses and mutate in respect of the best elements of ALL cultures, that we would be able to do our best in everything.
The Eurocentric approach toward this whole event might be a typical case of the white man having a tummy ache, and the rest of us rushing to the toilet expecting the runs. I'm NOT saying that we ought not to take it. Still, many people have died from it outside of the west, and whom may be alive if they had taken the vaccine. So saying that one shouldn't take it is quite irresponsible. It should be left up to the individual and their beliefs, as no particular belief, even official ones, can be conclusive at this point given the one-sided nature of the whole inquiry into the chinavirus19 event.

I myself am conflicted about it and haven't made up my mind. But of course, no public servant that i employ is going to force me to take a jab.

However, it is not an issue of 'i don't want to be forced', but an issue of science.
I'm not skeptical about the vaccine. I'm skeptical about the Eurocentric foundations that gave rise to this particular variant of a vaccine, and which thus incontrovertibly means that it isn't the best that it could have been.
Up till now, even a year later, no adequate studies have been done, or publicised about the great variance between death rates across global populations - as i have been constantly highlighting (that's the problem when people only pay attention to the west, celebrities, governments, and news. You lose far more wisdoms and ideas that way.)

Many white people i've encountered personally and online, with their history of white supremacism, just discount all low death rates in non-white countries as 'they are lying', or 'too poor to know'.

And if you contradict them, or say that white people don't know much about the rest of the world enough to say such a thing, Facebook steps in and deletes and blocks you for daring to imply that the whites don't know it all. Sorry, i forgot to bow and say, 'yes sahib. you're always very right sahib. a thousand apologies sahib.' to everything white people say. Feck off. That's no different from the chinese insisting that the non-chinese don't face discrimination from the chinese in singapore. How the hell would they know. To assume you know better than others about others without even asking after why they say it is itself proof of a racist mindset.

The rest of the people on the planet whom are trained to just take the cue from white people from how they should be open to bonking any gender, to joining them in conducting 'wars on terror' on people they've been killing and antagonising for hundreds of years, have been well-trained, like pigeons in a positive reinforcement experiment, to depress the 'like' and 'follow mindlessly' button, as opposed to ensuring that empathy, reason, and objectivity rules their inclinations. The point of questioning is not just to challenge the white claim to being know-it-alls - which they express, promote, and impose through social media by blocking any non-white who dare to challenge that belief, through their news and entertainment, and heading organisations from the UN to the Vatican - but to really find out if other civilisations are actually superior to whites in some respect, and from which we can get solutions that can save us all, white, black, and all the tonal variations betwixt. Up to now, unsurprisingly, that is not being done. And that isn't surprising given that they have been impressing upon us since colonial times that we are there to be told what to do, how to think, how to feel. Such a people aren't going to begin to think others are superior enough in various aspects to learn anything from. When have you ever seen a white newspaper (with black letters) extolling the virtues of any civilisation in areas that white civilisation doesn't even have an equivalent? Never. This mentality is evident and pronounced in bold in their social media 'community guidelines' to the content of their entertainment and news. The non-whites have been taught to disrespect themselves by white supremacism in the Social media, News, and Entertainment complex to the point that they do not realise this, and the whites have been similarly taught through their gross Eurocentric narcissistic upbringing. In such a circumstances, we aren't going to even be able to do our best even if we wanted to, to get at the best solution in this or anything, and might end up opening a Pandora's box that compromises us in numerous ways enough to fall victim to much more in the future, as it already has in the past and present. That is not just limited to the vaccine, but to the perspective that created it. When i muck up something in the present, i usually look at the past to see what i mucked up that finally led to this muck up in the present. So i'm wondering what we were trained to fail to see in the past that led to our immune system being compromised in the present, and also what some of our cultures did a bit right to the point that they aren't suffering anywhere near as much as those whom are suffering relatively far higher death tolls. (i.e. UK, US) One cannot expect the best in anything when one works from the poverty of one's knowledge that arises from only one way of seeing things, as opposed to the wealth of intelligence and insight that can only be maximally acquired from considering all available knowledge from all climes. Many vantages are an advantage over a single vantage. That is an irrefutable fact of life and learning. This requires white people to not be self-absorbed, and non-white people to value themselves as more than just an audience and source for western papacies to box office profits. The value of difference can never be appreciated till it is based on the acceptance of the inference that a singular way of looking at things is inferior, and from that, realise that the cultural centres of the world, from Washington DC to London to Beijing, are the opposite of what we have been led to think of its worth. I have only raised a few questions here. There are many others that will not have occurred to me, just as there are others that will occur to others from other cultures that have taught them to see things in ways my own type of multicultural experience has not taught me. We will come up with the best approaches, attitudes, and antidotes when we work together in appreciation of the differences in each other, not work together abiding by only one sector who insist that they know the best while insisting that they don't need to know anything about the rest of us. This has been the case in the past, and this is perhaps why this pandemic even exists as something to be concerned about. More studies need to be done, and could already have been done over the past year on other cultures, but that hasn't been the case, and we are left with little choice but to go for an alternative to what thus becomes nothing. I might probably go for the chinavirus19 jab, but that is only because i don't have enough knowledge to say 'no'. But it is still a fact, given the issues raised above, that i also don't have enough knowledge to give a resounding, unequivocal and unambivalent 'yes' even if i do go for it. Many might be able to do so, but that is based on the ignorance that comes from the issues raised here. I'd rather my decisions be based on knowing, not ignorance. edX
#chinavirus19 #covid19 #vaccination #nwo #conspiracy


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