Anti-LGBT Is Not Bigotry

The LGBT's use of the term 'bigotry', with reference to those who stand against their Sexual Consumerist movement is an effort to claim the heritage of the black civil rights movement by presenting their situation in the selfsame standing as the blacks and the victims of all other such racisms throughout the world.

Such usage is an insult to those suffering racist discrimination throughout the world as it equates what victims of racism are going through with these Sexual Consumerists effort to normalise and popularise their fetishes and depravity.  

Recognising their 'moral' right to use such a word with reference to the discrimination they suffer for their flaunting their psychosis or perversion publicly, is akin to any fetishist, be she into bestiality to incest, equating their 'suffering' or 'post traumatic stress disorder' at not being viewed as normal with people whom are discriminated against on the basis of their race.   That isn't PTSD, it's being spoilt, like a child suffering PTSD for not being able to have her 5th ice cream in a day, or a flasher suffering likewise for being arrested for flashing his tweedledee at every passing commuter and rat in the subway. 

The quest for equality is a moral act in itself, provided it isn't taken to antithetical proportions by way of getting rid of morality so that one cannot be judged at all.  If not, having sex in broad daylight in the middle of the street can be seen as 'freedom to love without limits' and every action to stop them as 'bigoted' - unless such prohibitive action is only purposed to cater to smooth flow of traffic.  

And anyway, the issue has never been one of 'equality' but one of decency.  Walking around with your zipper undone and waving it about like it's 4th of July isn't a quest for equality, but an affront to common decency.  LGBT's public and prideful promotion of proclivities that are best left to fester and froth in the privacy of their pens is exactly that.

Teaching children that depravity = diversity

How on earth is a fetish a 'race'?  Unlike races and cultures, what perspective do these people have to afford the advance of the human race other than the principle of 'fuck whom you will, when you will, where you will in all 50 or more shades than offered by any paint catalogue' under the guise of 'love'. 

How are we to equate discrimination against LGBT's public flaunts and promotion of depravity with the right of a black man to take public transport and sit next to a white person?  How are these people equating themselves with races of people who have been chained and exploited for hundreds of years simply for being of a different colour, or creed, or community, without it impacting on others?  How are they elevating their sexually consumerist cause to the level of ancient cultures that require equal respect?  

Yes.  For actions against one to be deemed bigoted, one doesn't need for one's group to be enslaved for centuries.  But it cannot be a complaint or charge against those who speak against depravity and debauchery.  You cannot get rid of the word, 'depraved' so that you can pass yourself as virtuous.  You cannot get rid of the idea of the Devil so that you can ply his traits with impunity.  You cannot get rid of the Church or turn Jesus into a bisexual to justify your perversions. 

The charge of 'bigotry' cannot be an allegation against those who stand up for a moral society, at least in the light of day and the publicity of the pavement.  It cannot be an allegation that claims the Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Nanak, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad, amongst others, are all bigots for not giving a thumbs-up to 'love without limits' between parent and child, siblings, man and animal, a married man with the wife or husband of another...or both.

The LGBT are not depraved for what they do, but for actually thinking that the rest of society must view it as normal; demand that all critique be silenced; whilst insisting that children in all schools be groomed to view their sexual depravity as a way of life emblazoned with Nike's slogan. 

That will inevitably lead to the early sexualisation of children; an increase in sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, bisexuality, all round sexual depravity; and the consequential death of philosophy, religion, morality, fidelity via such child-grooming efforts by the LGBT.  

The LGBT are, in effect, seeking nothing short of a redefinition of humanity itself as mindless debauched ammoral depraved consumers. The only thing left is cannibalism.

grooming children to embrace LGBT and early sexualisation in the UK

I am a sinner myself, but vociferously reserve the right to view it as such, for in that lies hope for my redemption.

There is no moral justification for the accusation of bigotry by those who allege that morals are bigoted and that all who inquire after them, stand for morals of decency and modesty, or those who are inclined to feel guilt, or attempt to live its principles at least in the light of day, are bigots or 'oppressed'.  That is the speech of the devil himself, and LGBT should be accorded no less than what the devil himself deserves for their paradoxical assertion that they own the moral highground because they have disavowed and outlawed all morals with the help of Big Tech, Corporate Social Media, and the 'News' and 'Entertainment' complex.

Such a people deserve, not violence, but complete ostracisation, as would any bad company to protect our children.  That isn't bigotry.  It is good judgement, just as it would be to keep our children away from drug addicts, prostitutes, gangsters, the sexually depraved, streakers, flashers, amongst others.  Or is that 'bigotry' too?

I do not stand against the LGBT for their sins, but for their demand that sin be absolved as sin, so as to justify their overarching fetish that sex be a free-for-all with no gender, species, or familial boundaries whatsoever.  If the LGBT stand for anything, it isn't love per se, but a life of depravity without limits. 






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