Chinavirus. What's Fact, What's Fiction?


Fake news comes in so many forms.  The most insidious are the ones that impress upon you that the partial truth they present is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because they'll pass any 'fact-checking' effort.  The problem with 'fact-checking' is that it just sees if the information you present is true, not if you've left out crucial information, or if you're playing with words. 

For instance, the following by Facebook's 'facts' on the coronavirus is a good example how the Corporate Entertainment, News, and Social Media (CENSA) skews information and minds. Look at the contrasting information immediately below that.  Such contradictory information is widely availabe from university studies.

According to Facebook's 'facts on the coronavirus', garlic does not 'prevent' or 'cure' the Chinavirus19.  Yes and no. 

This is fake news, or what i would like to term for the sake of accuracy, #skewedNews in action.  A very typical Corporate tactic used by loads of 'reputable' news sites like the BBC and Corporate Social Media sites.  It is not #fakeNews per se because there are facts in it, but it is skewed because the facts are twisted here.

Yes.  Garlic does not prevent or cure a person or poodle of the Chinavirus19, just like having an umbrella won't stop the rain from pouring down.  But that's not the purpose of Garlic or the umbrella is it.  The purpose of both is to help you WITHSTAND both the virus and the rain belting down on you like little fascist Corporate Social Media police. 

This sort of approach is worrying as it indicates either gross stupidity, insidious intent, or perhaps just plain ole eurocentric arrogance.  And one wonders if this is just one instance or one of many indicating something more. 

In this case, they are narrowing the idea of the garlic to be a 'prevention' and 'cure' whilst slyly avoiding the fact that to fight the virus requires not only prevention and cure, but also the ability to withstand it.  That's like saying, 'if the umbrella can't stop the rain from pouring down, it is ineffective.  So don't bother carrying one, ever'. 

Garlic may not prevent or cure the chinavirus19, BUT it DOES strengthen the immune system and therefore helps you fight it.   That's a fact, and there are numerous scientific studies that have been done to prove that.  

What FB is saying is true in terms of prevention and cure, but they are not considering 'Withstanding' the negative effects of the virus.  Our interaction with a virus is not confined to 'prevention' and 'cure', but also 'withstanding' its effects.  That is a skewed, inaccurate, and one-sided way of looking things.

So unless one is saying that the strength of the immune system is irrelevant, everything, from garlic to spices to exercise to lifestyle DOES have an impact on the degree to which we can fight the virus.  And if an element can help us withstand a virus, that is also tantamount to being a cure for it as well, as the final aim of a 'cure' is to ensure one is not worse off after an affliction isn't it.  It may not be a cure, but if it enables you to withstand it, then, logically, it is no different from a vaccine that works.

Control the Alternative then Delete

As I observed, that is exactly how Corporate News and Social media has been handling this from day 1.  They only set out to pay attention to those failed efforts at home remedies, or those utterly ridiculous ones, to disount All alternatives to the gazillion-dollar-making pharmaceutical companies.  As if humanity was on the brink of extinction before pharmaceutical companies came about.  

Let's not forget that part of the strategy of eurocentricising the world, that is,  getting the world to ignore all cultures, wisdoms, etc, has already been taking place since colonial times.  That is why the global cultural industry ground to a halt in favour of the wisdom of Oprah Winfrey to Simon Cowell to Pope whatnot to the BBC.  And it is from this mass ignorance of difference, and demonising it, that the west can pull its little bunny of a solution from their peaky blinders and narrow and stupefy the vision and minds of the world and be metc with a standing ovation.   

That is when they become the solutions-providers via the UN Security Council, WHO, Hollywood, Pharmaceutical companies, BBC, Big Tech, amongst others.  And that is when they truly got humanity by the nose and can demand to be the arbiters of right and wrong.   So if they are right, it's because they blind us to our own and each other's cultures, or because they are skewing information.

The BBC itself is at the forefront of skewing information.  And they do it so obviously that i wonder why people still bother with that elitist racist royal-loving celeb-worshipping tabloid.  If they are good at proving anything, it is that one can talk utter unadulterated rubbish in impeccable English.

Either Facebook and much of the media are just being the definition of Mr Stupid, or there is an underhanded agenda to ensure more people die, and will have no recourse other than giving the pharmaceutical companies billlions upon billions for a vaccine.  So this global event appears to also be an effort to practice the people into being more pharma-reliant - like the pill-popping so-called, 'greatest nation on earth', and further discount to the death all ancient cultural wisdoms as well.  This will only further deepen mass ignorance, hence compliance and subservience. 

And let's not forget that there is a GREAT variance in death tolls in different parts of the world.  And the vaccine has nothing whatsoever to do with these variances as it has been the case from Day 1 to the present.  So other factors are causing this variance.  And surprise surprise.  Precious few are inquiring after this, and the media is remaining relatively silent about it.  And other than poking fun at ridiculous alternative remedies, they make no effort to study alternative remedies.  In other words, they'll look at and globally publicise what you've done wrong to get the masses to ignore all you have and ever will do right.  That is the cultural demonisation that takes place daily and which bolsters ignorance to the point that pharmas can play the role of saviours.


Is it any wonder there are lots of people thinking that there is a big conspiracy going on? 

Why would any company that thrives on ailment find a cure for something they can make billions from?  The ancient Indian Ayurveda scientists, and such 'shamens' in other cultures, did it purely for the good of people, not so that they can ride around in gold-adorned elephants.  It is their findings that the pharmaceutical companies should be studying and refining, not discounting it so that they can come up with something they can patent, or rip off other cultural ideas and add pointless or insignificant components to it so they can patent it.  

No pharmaceutical company or doctors for that matter can logically be trusted if your ailment is their ticket to a mercedes and a condo.  They should be globalised, as in taken over for public ownership for and by the world.  If not, we're just paying to be victims.

While it is too easy to blame 'crackpots', 'whackjobs' and 'Qanon' for 'conspiracy theories', and thus explicitly imply that one is stupid if one doesn't unquestioningly accept everything that the Corporate Entertainment, News, and Social Media Alliance (CENSA) tells you, the underlying reason for all these 'conspiracy theories' is based on the simple plausible and probable assumption that within a class-based system, those who have most to gain will do whatever it takes to perpetuate it.  It is this that produces the notion that much of what the elite tells the people is self-aggrandising Fiction.  

That is why some might even consider the possibility that those whom deny the virus or the vaccine and become prominent while doing so, are actually killed, with the virus taking the blame, or with the virus, so as to demonise all deniers.  Enough distrust has been generated by the nature of the capitalist system for it to produce such wonderings at times like these.  

Basically, people have been exploited enough to know that they are nothing a means to an elite-aggrandising end.  They are here to be used by the 'bossman'  and given a relative pittance in return. Celebs, royals, capitalists get paid billions while researchers beg the peasants for money so they can fund research for ailments going on for ages. That's capitalism.  

So i don't see why CENSA and governments throughout the globe are looking askance at 'conspiracy theorists'?  Whilst people may be accustomed to being exploited, it's still going to engender distrust and disaffection.  

To engage in conspiratorial theorising in itself is commonsense, not 'conspiracy theory'.  It is an effort to respect the integrity of the idea of Cause and Effect in itself, as opposed to taking whatever CENSA and corporate governments say so as Gospel.  

So at times like these, people will inevitably wonder about what CENSA to the WHO tells you, and ask what are they going to gain from what they are telling people to do, and what the people are going to lose as a result.  The system is run that way at all times, so it is to be expected that there will be those who wonder beyond.  

Thinking along conspiracy lines or out-of-the-box can be done insensibly of course.  But not thinking along conspiracy lines is insensible in itself within a class based exploitative state of affairs where everything is run for the greater benefit of the few and at the expense of the many.  Class division cannot logically be maintained without the multiplication of mass ignorance via subtraction and addition when it comes to information.  

And if a status quo based on exploitation isn't bad enough,  it is further encouraged by oversights regarding how the Chinavirus situation is being handled by the experts and governments.  

Corporate Social Media and News frequently like to state, 'there is no evidence to support' this or that theory. 

But remember, 

1. just because 'there is no evidence to support' a theory does NOT mean that adequate studies have been done for it;

2. just because they state that 'there is no evidence to support it' doesn't mean that there is any evidence to dispute it.  

And along with this, 

- there are no assiduous studies as to why there are great variances in death tolls in different parts of the world; 

- why vaccines are given out without testing for antibodies;

- why vaccines are being pushed in countries where death tolls might very well be less than that for the normal flu; 

- why they keep talking about infection rate without acknowledging that this is pointless information due to the fact that they only refer to IDENTIFIED infection rates and not the many more whom will be infected but have not been documented; (it would be sensible to talk about Hospitalised Infection Rates where infection leads to the need for hospitalisation.)

amongst others.

A word of Caution for Home Remedial Efforts

With regards to garlic, it should be taken cautiously and in small amounts of not more than a small clove a day. It thins the blood, lowers blood pressure, etc.  The point is, whatever the remedy, one has to consider other factors before taking it.    

When it comes to traditional ingredients, one should be cautious as they are meant to be taken in combination with other items that are the norm within their culture.  You can't just look at one thing that they are taking and go with it as it might very well be harmful.  For instance, if you were to take lentils on its own, it can gradually make you weak due to its high magnesium content.  But the Indians know how to add brinjals and moringa seeds.  It is not just because it tastes good, but because it brings about a balance with zinc and other elements.  Lots of this knowledge has been lost as people tend to just follow traditions without considering where its logical origins.  That applies to Indian culture, and others as well.  

Cultural wisdoms predate pharmaceutical companies.  That doesn't mean they are outdated.  It just means that they need to be brought up to date with western scientifc tools through refinement.  If we ignore the knowledge of all histories, we might just be spending loads of time just reinventing the wheel. 

However, what we are seeing is the displacement of ancient cultural wisdoms that enables the pharmas to make billions, and perhaps even cause people to suffer ailments they may not have suffered before pharmaceutical companies came into being.  I often think that if people had appreciated various cultures, as opposed to being abjectly eurocentricised and this rendered pharma-dependent, they may have learnt enough to the point that this pandemic could very well be averted with a trip to a multicultural larder.


When it comes to traditional remedies, one generally has to be careful as the pharmaceutical companies have no profit incentive to study these, or refine them, and scientists will not be paid to do these as scientists are not self-supporting and thus can't let their multicultural curiosity to suggest and lead their investigations. 

This isn't ancient India where Indian scientists do these out of pure goodwill - it is no wonder that many self-sacrificing world religions came from India.  And where people overdose or screw up when trying out home remedies, the Corporate News and Social Media will be sure to pick it up and broadcast it globally so as to further get people to just look towards the pharmaceutical companies for solutions, whilst telling you 'there is no scientific evidence to support' other cultural remedies.  They might as well say, 'we aren't going to study other cultural remedies because we can't patent them and make billions out of it. So feck off to your home remedies'.

I'm not saying that we ought to boycott pharmas.  I'm saying that we must not allow pharmas to monopolise the idea of knowledge or imagination.  They are not in it for the good of humanity, but for the many villas and rolls of royces and banknotes they can hoard. 

Hence, whilst being reliant on them, we need to look elsewhere as well.  The full body of the knowledge emerging from historical variances and wisdoms, and the means by which these are discerned can never be outdone by a group of profit-hungry billionaires and their CENSA and their global corporate-government buddies who thrive on the ignorance of the global masses, and who therefore have every incentive to ensure it is perpetuated.  

It is up to us to pay attention to each other whilst we are queued at any pharmacy.  It is only then that the queues may be shortened, as it certainly isn't going to be shortened by those whom are raking in billions by keeping us in the queue or ensuring we get into it sooner or later.  

Our cultural wisdoms need refinement by pharma's tools, not be cast aside for that which they can patent and profit from in perpetuity.  Know thy demons so that they can be your minions, not vice versa.

So besides the vaccine, don't discount wisdoms and ideas generated throughout history that do not have a patent on it.  Pharmaceutical companies didn't always exist. I'm not discounting their significance.  But I'm not going to discount the whole body of human knowledge and discoveries in favour of Pharmaceutical companies either.  That would be stupidity.

And finally, it would be prudent to not simply imbibe, with an 'ahhhh', in the face of whatever the Corporate Entertainment, News, and Social Media Alliance (CENSA) comes up with.  I have proven time and again their blatant and brazen biases in their informational orchestrations in the presentation of information, narrowing of definitions, psychological tactics and so on and so forth.  

But being objective, one shouldn't just discount them for their 'oversights'.  One just has to 'factcheck' those who get fat checks for what they do.  We need to look for facts they have much incentive to overlook in favour of facts that they've been trained to look for.  A good start would be to presume that the vaunted Age of Information also has the potential to be the Age of Disinformation and Mass Assimilation, and be objectively skeptical of information. 

News and Disinformation is a commodity that generates not only profit and power, but the mass ignorance required and designed to perpetuate the former.  

One of the most significant means by which false information is spread by Corporate News and Social Media is not via the supply of false information per se, but by limiting real information, and the terms and perspectives by which they may be appreciated.  That gives one a false impression via real news.  

The more information is available to the masses, the more it can be used to render one gullible.  


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