The Truth About The Holocaust

What did you come in here expecting to see?  An article about the Jewish Holocaust right?

If the word,  Holocaust, brings to mind what the Jews went through in world war 2, then you're a racist, whatever your colour, clime, cuisine, or culture.  Or at the very least, conned by the Corporate News, Social, and Entertainment, which still means you've been turned into a racist.  Or what Malcolm X would term, 'a house negro'.

The fact of the matter is,

There were different Holocausts.  During that time, the Jewish Holocaust was one, and the Colonial Holocaust was the other. 

The Indian Holocaust, part of the Colonial Holocaust was spread over a longer time and led to more deaths under the British than the Jewish Holocaust, for example. And there was the African Holocaust through slavery, transport to European labour camps in the US, lynchings, and shootings, and even to the present day white police officers.  There was also the American Aboriginal Holocaust, the Australian Aboriginal Holocaust, South American, amongst others.

In total, the Colonial Holocaust led to far more deaths than the Jewish Holocaust.  And yet, the term Holocaust is attached solely to the Jewish plight. 


It could be, on the one hand,  a Freudian slip, indicating what non-whites are viewed as till today.  Nothing much.  If anything, only as the biggest source of profit on the planet.  If not, they are just statistics, collateral damage, towelheads, gooks, coolies, sambos, terrorists, radicalised, extremists, homophobes, and whatever other words indicating self-absorbed, self-centred, sociopathic white bias.

Or, it can also just be a carry-on from the white supremacist colonial notion that non-whites are of no consequence, and therefore their deaths by the millions meant nothing.   So after the 2nd war, they just focused on the plight of the Jews who were considered human enough to be accorded the term, Holocaust, for the great tragedy they suffered. Thereafter, this mistaken view was just perpetuated through ignorant future generations, and especially culturally-inbred ones in the European solar system where all reality orbits a big white butt.

Or, it's just a simple case of not viewing colonial genocides as Holocausts because it makes them look as bad as their Nazi brothers of that time.   So they denied these western-perpetrated Holocausts by simply not acknowledging it as such. 

Thus, they were able to cast themselves simply as the ones who rescued the Jews, put down the Nazi and Japanese War Machines, emancipated the world...

...instead of the people whose perspectives and actions served as the foundations upon which the Japanese Nazis and the Jewish Holocaust were actually founded and wouldn't have existed without.

They just made their trillions from Colonial plunder, Holocausts, and so on, and used it to become more ascendant militarily, technologically, politically, cultural hegemonically, and whitewashed that voluminous chapter of western global Holocaustal activities prior to world war 2.  They could also promote themselves as the saviours and heroes of world war 2, head the UN, sell their movies and music, and basically present the horns on their heads as cute little dimples and have the world taking their cue for everything from what to eat, to aspire to, to define themselves as, to produce, and to fuck. 

No one has made so much from denying Holocausts than the west. Holocaust Denial actually became a commodity that generated so much in so many arenas by way of people being  receptive to them and all they produced in so many ways because of such denial. 

That is why, every year, they have a global 'renewal of faith' in the moral ascendency and sanctity of the white man by ensuring that one generation after another attach the term, Holocaust, to ONLY the Jews.  That presents the white man as Mr Hero for saving them, reinforces our self-disrespect by getting us to disregard our own Holocausts, and thereby sets the foundation for the whole world denying even more atrocities and horseshit that the west wants everyone to unquestioningly open their mouths and bend over for.

...and God sits there, fascinated, at the ever-increasing extent to which humanity could be so gullible. 


The point here is not to engender and propagate hatred of the white man, but to incite self-respect.  All racists will always talk about how this or that statement 'incites racial antagonism' - which is a bloody racist thing to say itself, as that ignores the disadvantage a whole group of people are being put through - and conveniently refuse to appreciate that its ultimate purpose is to instill racial self-respect amongst the relatively disadvantaged. 

White people, unlike the self-absorbed racist and fascist Chinese in asia for instance, do actually try to identify and eradicate racism, especially in the UK - as i have witnessed first-hand many a time.  Theirs is not a chinese-style, 'harmony by shutting up victims of racism', but 'harmony by eradicating racism'.   They are, in contrast, a decent, empathetic, mature and adult people indeed!  

But white people can only see so far as much would have been normalised amongst both whites and blacks over the generations, or mutated into and propagated via politically correct racism, in which, for instance,  the BBC is an expert.  That is when people who have been brought up on both cultures will be best-placed perspectivally to contribute to identifying these oversights.  To think like both and use the proficiencies of each to identify the deficiencies in the other, is the simple strategy that is mostimes overlooked.

At the end of the day, the eradication of racism results in the growth of the previously disadvantaged sectors, and the consequent contribution of ideas and perspectives hitherto unimaginable by the previously advantaged. And in turn, the previously advantaged will be able to imagine even further as a result.  Back and forth it this goes, and it is than that people will truly be able to imagine more than previously imaginable.



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