
Showing posts from July, 2021

Covid. A Tale of 3 Cities.

Covid. A Tale of 3 Cities.  a general conspiratorial overview. This is a Conspiratorial take on this event.   It may not be a conspiracy.  But since i have no hard proof that it is just a coincidence, it could therefore be true. Curtain up... 1. Fool Manchu CHINA may or may not be the source of the virus, but what it certainly is, is the first source of the manufacturing of global expectation-management and paranoia production for the global premiere of, 'Jab or Else!'.  The musical will be sure to follow. Expectations had to be produced.  And China was the best one for the role.  They had a compliant 'I'll do as I'm told' population, like the chinese in the rest of asia, so the production would go smoothly and people across the globe would be taught about what this is about (the virus), what fears they ought to have (that many will die and there are no remedies for it), and how they should behave when it was their turn (do ...

Social Media's War on Popular Skepticism

I did a video speaking about the possibility of the vaccine being used to deliver hazardous content, and that checks have to be put in place to ensure this can never be.   After all, it was for this reason that a scientific commission was set up by the UN to study the possibility of its misuse in 2017, with many scientists calling for a moratorium on this technology.  Why weren't they censored for 'medical misinformation' then? It appears that Big Tech can't stop the scientific community from talking about it,  but want to ensure that people don't talk about it.  That way, they can possibly take time to silence those in the scientific community whom don't agree with their agenda, and then finally present the findings of those scientists whom are towing the line as the only scientists that ought to be considered.  Through that, they can dictate popular thought on the matter. After all, isn't that what they did with the vaccine, adverse reactions...

Singapore's Flawed Covid Approach

Sg made a big mistake pushing for vaccination. Sg had about 900 deaths per year from influenza.  But with cv19, 36 deaths in a year and a half and they push vaccination with a vaccine that was released under an Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA?  Chinese kia xi'ism doesn't bode well for rational and informed decisions.  Perhaps include more other races in the panel for different views eh. When it was found that foreign indian workers had it in the 10s of thousands, that is grounds for plausible assumption that it was similar in the local population.  But no mass tests were done to verify that.   No consideration was given to the possibility that the indians might have gotten it from the chinese or the local population.  If they did, that would imply that it would also have spread quickly amongst the local population as well.  Given the racist history of the state, it was reflexively assumed to be an indian ...

Media Disinformation - the case of Andreas Kalcker

I just came across some old news about a 'fake' cure for cv19.  It's about MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution.  When i first read about it a long while back, i was shocked as the media was saying that this scientist by the name of Andreas Kalcker was asking people to drink bleach to cure one of the Chinavirus19.  That's what lots of the headlines were saying.  BUT, the fact of the matter is, it wasn't 'bleach' per se, as bleach is commonly understood as concentrated household cleaning substance that anyone knows can't be inhaled, let alone ingested.  The media can't use terms knowing it will be taken in the wrong context. Rather, it is a TYPE of bleach that is ALREADY used in drinking water, food applications, and industrial applications as a disinfectant. This fact, was hidden by the Corporate-stream media.  Just saying it is bleach is a gross oversimplification.  You see? Firstly, Kalcker was advocati...

LGBT wants to turn humanity Gay

children being groomed to be gay in the UK ''Campaigners have called on the government to stop delaying the ban of so-called conversion therapy. The ban for England and Wales was announced in the Queen's Speech - but it will be preceded by a consultation. It will consider religious freedoms and how to protect accredited professionals in a move welcomed by some groups. A document signed by a number of health groups defined conversion therapy as the attempt to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity. Some campaigners were disappointed that the government did not announce an immediate and wide-ranging ban on the practice. LGBT rights charity Stonewall says the practice must be banned in all forms "including religious and faith-based settings", and that any delay leaves LGBT groups "at further risk of abuse". '' bbc Ban 'gay conversion therapy'?  Who's converting whom?   So if you don't ban people from helpi...