Covid. A Tale of 3 Cities.

Covid. A Tale of 3 Cities. a general conspiratorial overview. This is a Conspiratorial take on this event. It may not be a conspiracy. But since i have no hard proof that it is just a coincidence, it could therefore be true. Curtain up... 1. Fool Manchu CHINA may or may not be the source of the virus, but what it certainly is, is the first source of the manufacturing of global expectation-management and paranoia production for the global premiere of, 'Jab or Else!'. The musical will be sure to follow. Expectations had to be produced. And China was the best one for the role. They had a compliant 'I'll do as I'm told' population, like the chinese in the rest of asia, so the production would go smoothly and people across the globe would be taught about what this is about (the virus), what fears they ought to have (that many will die and there are no remedies for it), and how they should behave when it was their turn (do ...