LGBT wants to turn humanity Gay
children being groomed to be gay in the UK
''Campaigners have called on the government to stop delaying the ban of so-called conversion therapy.
The ban for England and Wales was announced in the Queen's Speech - but it will be preceded by a consultation.
It will consider religious freedoms and how to protect accredited professionals in a move welcomed by some groups.
A document signed by a number of health groups defined conversion therapy as the attempt to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity.
Some campaigners were disappointed that the government did not announce an immediate and wide-ranging ban on the practice.
LGBT rights charity Stonewall says the practice must be banned in all forms "including religious and faith-based settings", and that any delay leaves LGBT groups "at further risk of abuse". '' bbc
Ban 'gay conversion therapy'? Who's converting whom?
So if you don't ban people from helping homosexuals to become heterosexual again, it is going to lead to 'abuse' of LGBT? So if we don't view something as normal, we are going to take sticks and batter them? How many percent of men are going about battering how many percent of homosexuals? And shouldn't the law just be stepping in to go after the abusers? Why are all human beings now being required to view boys wearing their mothers dresses and having an electra complex as normal? If anything, this belligerence by LGBT is leading to a backlash which is being presented as 'homophobia', rather than as a result of their demanding the world be 'gay'.
At the core of this ridiculous and insidious 'ban gay conversion therapy' nonsense is the demand that all of us tell our children to consider fucking their own, or both genders. Because to do otherwise, according to these crackpots, is to be guilty of 'gay conversion therapy'. Previously, when a little boy donned his mothers clothes and walked around, parents smiled. Now, parents are supposed to rebrand their sons as women and tell him his asshole is also a vagina?
As vulgar as what i have just said sounds, this illustrates the vulgarity of this ridiculous movement whom aren't going to rest until all of humanity is converted into homosexuals or bisexuals. Just because these people have no moral compass, they want to ban the poles? My own aversion to LGBT is based purely on their demand to normalise it, promote it, indoctrinate and sexualise children, and disparage all religions and global cultures that view sexual restraint as a means to spiritual ascendence and virtue. Instead of talking about banning 'gay conversion', we should be talking about banning this depraved movement of sexual consumerists whom want to reduce humanity to 'lust without boundaries'.
But why are few appreciating the point that Hollywood, Netflix, the BBC and Corporate support for teaching children to consider sex with their own genders or both, is itself 'Gay Conversion'? Are they saying that even without this global barrage of gay converting tactics by the aforementioned, as many children are going to become bisexual homosexual?
Teaching children it's normal is 'grooming', leads to early sexualisation, and is by definition, 'gay conversion' itself. That's sociology. That's psychology. That's logic. How much science, logic, reason, and commonsense, do these mad people want to ban and blanco to thus 'prove' their point?
Heterosexuality is normal from an evolutionary perspective. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here. That's proof. Homosexuality in itself, is abnormal, from an evolutionary perspective. If it wasn't, and wasn't preceived as such, we wouldn't be here. That's proof.
Silencing Democracy
But there's not much opposition to this on Facebook now as groups and individuals opposed to this have been quietly blocked and their accounts deleted to promote sexual consumerism and steer public policy, opinion, and hijack the support of adults, teenagers, and children. Only a few, and some of whom are really pretty crackpotty, are left behind to give the impression that FB doesn't ban opposition to what it supports, and that such opposition is usually mad. And all alternative sites where people speak against his are just presented as 'irrational', 'extremist', and 'hate speech' sites. It is this that is steering the young toward what is thus presented as 'normal', 'trending', and mass-approved. This is blatant manipulation and deceit by Corporate Social Media.
And LGBT are perfectly fine with this? Democracy is being supplanted by 'Big Tech's' swaying of opinion and information online via censorship of all opposition. How does democracy work when the Corporations are already silencing everyone opposed to their agenda online? Didn't the US blather on about Russian 'meddling' in its elections by inundating Facebook with news designed to steer public opinion? And Big Tech is doing this and getting away with it?
Go study western history from a sociological and psychological perspective, then you'll know why this LGBT phenomenon has arisen now. There's nothing natural about it coming about now.
Western culture had been groomed by capitalism, consumerism, the influx of teenagers as a pliable market force, rejection of global cultures, sexual promiscuity, ageism, and much of it promoted by the Corporate Entertainment News and Social Media Alliance for quite a few decades now, for it to arrive at this point.
The naturalisation and promotion of evil requires one to normalise the means that brings such evil into being. Once people are blinded to the CAUSE of something that is being promoted, they will naturally then think it normal.
That is why there is no word on how this movement has arisen, its social causes, how it is linked to prior promotion of sexual promiscuity in western media, and how this logically leads to sexual promiscuity 'without limits'. I don't know if academics, social scientists, and psychologists in the west have been silenced, censored, sanctioned for attempting to study this phenomenon, or are they afflicted with abject eurocentricity to leave unquestioned that which arises within western white culture.
So given this background, even though there is going to be a public consultation on banning 'gay conversion therapy', thus normalising children groomed to be homosexual and bisexual by western media, Big Tech has already been silencing all opposition to it over the past year. And the LGBT are certainly not having an issue with this corporate fascism and silencing of the masses by unelected 'Big Tech', whilst accessing the freedom of speech to promote their gross sexual consumerism, aka, sexual depravity.
I didn't know that they and the corporation would be the biggest threat to democracy.
What next? Incest? Adultery? Mass orgies to celebrate the 'freedom to love without limits'?
The devil logically views every angel as a bigot and a SINophobe.
How many academics have already been silenced in the west? This is nothing short of an inquisition in favour of sexual depravity. You can call it what you like to sanitise it. But it is still sexual depravity. White doesn't become black just because the west says so. Depravity doesn't become freedom just because the west wants to expand its buffet of 'one-night stands' from heterosexual trysts to bisexual orgies.
And besides this, it is thoroughly white supremacist with western Bog Tech, the UN, western 'human rights' bodies, all demanding that non-western cultures, races, religions, abide by western decree, yet again. Looks like LGBT and big tech couldn't care less about our ancient cultures, faiths, and races. This is going to lead to an understandable and increasing incidence of anti-westernism.
Is LGBT the death of Democracy?
What people don't realise is that if it is deemed that children becoming homosexuals or bisexuals is a normal state, despite the FACT that the incidence of this is rising BECAUSE of the grooming of children through homosexual introduction in schools, teen programmes, Hollywood, netflix, and censorship of opposition, and which is itself a programme of converting children to sexual promiscuity and homosexuality, (in psychology, is is called Role Modelling, Power of Suggestion, Misattribution, association, positive reinforcement, etc, etc, under the overall term of Socialisation.
that would mean that all views against it will also be outlawed as it can be deemed an attempt at 'converting' children or anyone to heterosexuality, or promoting the notion that it isn't normal, or promoting hatred toward it.
Parents can be reported by children for it and arrested, or their children taken away from them and these parents declared unfit;
priests and Imams can be arrested and thrown into prison for opposing it as a sin;
religion can be banned if they refuse to bow to the demands of the LGBT and corporations;
academics can be silenced;
academic and scientific inquiry into this phenomenon can be banned, if it hasn't already, as it gives the impression that it is not normal;
all those opposed to it can be silenced online - which is already happening - or arrested and imprisoned - which is also already happening.
Are you really fine with that?
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