Leave Father Afrika Alone
If any region in the world is largely uninjected now, and are fine, that serves as evidence that the human immune system is robust in its function and not needing of any highly profitable, suspiciously life-threatening, with unknown or undisclosed short-term, long-term, and epigenetic effects, and highly ineffective, remedy being passed off as a 'vaccine.'
It is basically a remedy where you can count how many times it didn't work, but never how many times it did work. Africa is evidence that the latter might very well indicate that it is of insignificant efficacy because it wasn't required to be put to work for Africans to be fine.
to push for injections being passed as the only remedies to a problem ignores the remedy that had been working fine more than 99% of the time for more than 99% of people all this time, namely, our God-given and condiment and cuisine-boosted immune system.
why would any sane person ignore 99% of the evidence in favour of 0.84% to 1.3% Absolute Risk Reduction delivered by an injection and subject oneself to 100% uncertainty as to its potential to kill or maim oneself in the short-term, long-term, and cross-generationally?
And this has actually been the case from day 1 as more than 99% of the global populace has always been fine, whilst less than 1% have been symptomatically allegedly affected by the virus - where it could very well have been something else entirely. (Refer to the scientifically incompatible criteria below that does not prove causality.)
So here we have more than 99% of whom are verified to be fine despite the claim this this virus is malignant, and less than 1% of whom are said to be sickened or killed by a virus though the direct causal relationship between the virus and the symptoms or death is largely by correlation.
When we talk about scientific certainty, it appears to be on the side of either there never having been a problem, or at most, the problem being blown out of proportion by at least 99%.
The same thing applied in the case of Mother India, whom were suddenly afflicted by a 'variant' when they would have already acquired immunity after more than a year exposure to the original 'virus', and were then said to need a 'vaccine' to the original 'virus' in order to withstand a slightly insignificantly mutated variant.
And the fact that the media, whom gave the world the impression that it was the 'vaccine' that had saved them, never reported that the 'Delta variant' died down in India in a couple of months when less than 5% of the population was 'vaccinated', proves that their objectivity served the objective of getting everyone injected despite facts. (refer to the video above, or 2 screenshots below and look at the dates.)
So leave Father Africa alone. Considering the fact that there is a near-global experiment that is going on via guile or force, and with the kind of compliancy that proves that literacy is more a means of rendering one susceptible to published lies rather than making one smart, why not allow Africa to serve as the 'control group', unless this isn't an experiment but one of purely evil intent.
If the Africans do suddenly suffer a 'wave' of deaths, given the fact that they must have immunity by now to this 'virus', that can be nothing other than other-cause deaths being attributed to 'covid', like it has been in many parts of the world, or outright murder.
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