Enough Western Imperialism!

It's not an anglo-saxon thing anymore. It is a capitalist corporatist thing.   

It started from the imperial west - no doubt there - but developed into local variants throughout. Lots of 'house negroes' about the world now in their western suits and nooses. It is only the non-western world that can stop this by going back to their cultures and cease overvaluing the west from their Beatles to Pfizer. 

That reduces global collective knowledge and wisdom to the point we all become subject to western snakeoil, including westerners themselves who know little because we keep validating the little they know by talking only about that because we know they won't understand or care about our wisdoms, or we look at ourselves through the whites of our eyes and not recognise the gems that God has placed in our care.

The westerners are not saying this because they have all been profitting from this for 100s of years. Even Mike Yeadon profitted from it through the west's Eurocentric and white supremacist pharma that denied the world had any knowledge or wisdom more than the west. And now they want to ride in be the hero for the shit they started in the first place. It was the same for the west's ww2, which was basically a clash between white supremacists. The British empire was white supremacist too, and committed a bigger holocaust than the nazis, and they thus erved as the foundation for the rise of the Nazis.  

The same thing is happening now. Back then, the west pillaged and plundered the whole world and murdered millions and millions in the First Great Reset. Then came the ww2, which was their evil boiling over. 

The same thing is happening now. They started a global ww3 'pandemic'/vaxdemic in the world, murdered and are still murdering millions throughout the world through their white snakeoil and 'pandemic disruptions', through their global multiracial evil minions, and then start another war yet again at its height. See the parallel? You can't expect the whiteman to see this as it incriminates them all.

We must save ourselves from this western imperialist cycle once and for all, and turn our backs on western fascist neocolonialism. Mike, Monnoti, Malone, RFK, Stew Peters, etc, are the whiteman's Gods in their yet another civil war between themselves they are again dragging is into, not ours. They got information, but NO insights as the blind can't tell you how to get out of the hole they got you in. 

Remember, all these western 'heroes' supported and profitted from their Eurocentric underdevelopment and exploitation of the world, just like Churchill, and all their 'heroes' of ww2 who themselves gave birth to the Nazis. But because of their gross great white supremacist arrogance they have been profitting from from the 1400s till today, they will never face it. We don't need them to face it. We just need to turn our backs on them once and for all, if they don't want to learn from our great ancient wisdoms. Let the devil off their arrogance claim them for the grave. For then, it is either pfizer or Ivermectin. The rest of the world is of no value to these fools who want to profit one way or the other in their clash with each other.   

Their good always comes with evil, like the logic behind their version of science, economics, and vaccines. This l their capitalist religion that disables them from doing good unless they do evil passes on to everything they touch, including their vaccines. Our ancient cultures sought to seek good without evil, and influences our medicines, philosophies, cultures. And that is OUR version of liberalism, which sought to transcend all evil to seek freedom, whilst western liberalism is all about indulging in evil to feel free, or sacrificing others to 'succeed'.  

Enough. It's time for a human renaissance. If one thinks the light is going to come from the people who darkened the world with global wars, pandemics, murderous injections, colonialism, and entertainment that glorifies death, dismemberment, and depravity, people are tragically mistaken.  

The west can either join us, or go their own way to hell from whence they seem to have come over the past 500 years. But we will give humanity a chance to breathe life into its soul once again through our return to the wisdoms of the past that none amongst their pantheon of heroes, marvel or otherwise, even have the sense to begin to discern.

Satyagraha, loyalty to truth.



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