
The white man had always been used as a condom by their elite. 

At first, their people received kickbacks with the world being led to worship the west and buy up any good or any rubbish they came up with, from beatles to slime to barbie bimbos.  It was just mindless one way traffic.  That enriched the whiteman, but especially the elite.  And the whiteman was thus bought over with this 30 pieces of silver and became bloated with pride that blinded him to value itself despite locality.  White good, black rubbish, was the lullaby they retired to everyday for close to half a century.  

That gave the whiteman a false sense of their own importance, and stopped them from learning from other cultures, while the elite learnt from the whole world, and studied the different results from thousands of years of different cultures, to learn about what elements uplifted the human soul, and which decapitated it, and then gradually applied it to the whiteman, while giving the whiteman their childish little flags and patriotic toys to masturbate themselves to.

Then when they finally underdeveloped the whiteman,  and through them, their children, and got the world transfixed on the west, they pushed the whiteman off the stage, took centrestage with their newly configured white youth, and used them to corrupt the young of the entire world with their anti religion, Christ, family, Mother, heterosexuality, empathy, love, history, multiculturalism, thought,  etc, blitzkrieg delivered intravenously throughout the world to the unsuspecting young via entertainment and devious psychological manipulation via a multitude of means.  This process started in the 1960s, picked up in the 90s, bloomed in the 2000s, and climaxed in the preceding few years before the Vaxdemic.  

Never fall for people who praise you as the greatest in the world, as that usually means they want to stupefy you by getting you to ignore differences in the world and become ignorant, arrogant, and easily manipulable as a result.

Now the job is done. I've been warning for years, but the white elite trained the world to only look west through the resulting self-congratulatory arrogance of the whiteman and the global demonisation of difference and the world's ancient cultures. China's history was replicated on a global scale.  So that's that.  Time to pay the devil is dues.  

The whiteman got cornered when the whole world went with the white and western corporations through their local minions.  The Conservative whites had long trained the world to look west, and profitted from it, and once that was accomplished, they were not needed anymore as they were replaced by the new age whites and all the others in the west whom were reared with them.  The battle is lost.  Time to die or decompose.  

Good made all men in his image. The devil made you think God was white and thus turned you away from the garden of Eden and fixate on the tree of singular knowledge at the expense of all the knowledge embodied in the fruits of the rest of His Garden, which is all the cultures of the world.

God will not save you, as it was so easy for you to save yourself. All you had to do was to reject the hold of vanity on your soul with an appreciation of all His creation.  So simple. You refused.  You dared to instead create the world in your image, and ended up doing so in the image of the vipers whom are your elite, and you thus struck yourself down and all those who worshipped your thus created image.  

The Devil now has you.   God laughs without mirth at the destruction you have yet again rained on his children throughout the world.  He will have nothing to do with you till you turn to the various fragments of his image that he has placed throughout the world, the Garden.  

He who has ears, let him hear.



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