It is Scientific to Attack White Civilisation

Descartes said, not too long ago, Cogito ergo Sum, or 'I think therefore I am'.  What he meant was that to think meant to question the means by which we get to know.  In other words, the methods, means, perspectives, tools, that we need to construct an accurate geometry of thought, and tool which will not fail us in our quest, or what was once, and quintessentially, a human quest to know and to lead an open-eyed, existence.  

From there, the existing means by which people sought to know was questioned, from the pronouncements of the european version of the Catholic or Christian church, the elitist model of comprehending reality, traditions, customs, and so on.  

Similarly, and therefore, it is scienfic, or rational, or logical, and therefore sensible. to attack white civilisation as the 'means to know'.  White civilisation has been for too long equated with 'the means to know'.  They determined the perspectives via a host of means, be it the UN, WHO, Hollywood, Netflix, the Academy and Oscars, their corporate-run media, the BBC, CNN, the Huffington Post, and their traitorous minions in the form of 'native' Prime Ministers, Presidents, etc, throughout the world. 

It is, at its base, a white supremacist and elitist enterprise that has blighted the world since the time of the White Plague, aka, colonialism, that enveloped the minds, bodies, hearts, and souls of the people of the world, and has yet to ebb.  They have become the 'means to know'.  They are science itself, the WHO FDA CDC purports to know what's best whilst ignoring global cultures and wisdoms of the ages and its sages, their Hollywood and Netflix tells us what to aspire to and what is deemed a 'phobia' and what is right and wrong, their 'Big Tech' tell us what to think and not and what the penalty is if we dare to think like an Indian, or African, or Amazonian in contrast to what they have decided should be the guidelines dictating human evolution.  

And the list goes on.  

Thus, yet again, we are at a point where we have to Cogito in order to Sum as God intended in accordance to the entirety of what we can be despite the narrow vision of the arrogant western mind and their mindless congregation throughout the globe.  Once again we need to free ourselves from those who claim to be the final word and 'panel of experts' on anything.  After all, the biggest panel of experts, logically, will always be that sector of humanity that will be able to generate the largest number of questions, doubt, and perspectives, which is US, the people.  Hence, yet again, we need to reinstate Skepticism as the ultimate means to know, and which is the foundation for the emergence and burgeoning of all the wisdoms of the ages and which produced sages throughout the globe - not just the west or amongst whites.  

First thing, we must reject white civilisation as the only means be which we know. Know for a fact that any civilisation that claims to know it all solely on the basis of what they have been preoccupied with and the tools they have constructed to know and pursue that preoccupation can at best know what they know, and pretend to know it all simply because they have turned us away from all the other talents we might have.  That is when the little they know is presented as all there is to be known, and from there we are underdeveloped 99% to make too much of the 1% that we thus become simply because we are paid for it, or in other words, paid to not know more.  Don't forget.  He who pays you to do something is also paying you to know nothing else and not develop any other part of yourself so that you will think him as the best example of what it means to be Human, and what God intends. 

Secondly, we need to look at all cultures of the world and pay attention to what they are proficient at in their histories even if it didn't translate to a single cent, and even if we don't have an equivalent in our own cultures. It is through that that we get to know what else we can do, feel, think, and laugh or cry about that we hitherto were unawares.  That is where we acquire new senses.  

Thirdly, we must understand that all the western 'scientific' tools that are used to know things will always be grossly inadequate.  That includes their people, philosophies, cultures, and everything.  It is simple.  Scientific tools are history-specific.  For example, if people are brought up in a cave, they will never construct tools to measure light, or invent telescopes.  The tools they construct will be entirely to make and know more of what their historical senses allow them to discern within THEIR circumstances in caves.  Similarly, that applies to all cultures.  Everyone will have their own geographically, culturally, politically, religiously, et ceterally endowed senses. 

It is from a combination of the aforementioned 3 that we can began to truly start to acquire the most accurate means to know that we humanly can.  The above list is not exhaustive.  After all, I am but a product of particular times and spaces and not all times and spaces or all possible times and spaces.  That is up to you to discover and addon to the this.  



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