Mass Murder Inc.

Mass Murder Inc.

Doctors administering these 'death lottery' injections aren't doctors in the true essence of the word but murderers 

Any scientist knows his job is to prove or disprove causation, NOT state that since there isn't hard proof that A caused B, that it didn't.   Logically, if there isn't hard proof that A caused B, that is itself hard proof that it COULD have.  And on THAT basis alone, if people are still coerced in ANY form,  that is, technically, premeditated grievous bodily harm and murder.

People must have lost all self-respect, value for life, and empathy, to NOT even realise the above and defend themselves by ANY means necessary to stop this immediately, BUT instead view it as nothing but an 'infringement on bodily autonomy' civil issue.  It isn't.   It is outright rape and murder as all those imposing this throughout the world know full well that a percentage of EVERY man woman child and unborn WILL die because of this.  That is premeditated murder.  

There can be no pretext to justify this as as such a pretext can be used to kill intentionally.  The ONLY protection against the possibility that a pretext can be intentionally used to kill is the freedom to say NO without repercussions of any sort.  If this protection is removed, it can be used to murder and maim.  The police not stopping this are guilty of aiding and abetting mass murder.

The loss of the knee-jerk self-defensive instinct shows most have lost their humanity.  I would expect that from the chinese who've been trained to abide by dictate in Asia, but from the west, and the rest of humanity?


(designs, edX)


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