
The Critique of White People is a boon to White People

...because,  1. It impresses upon non-white people that whites do not know it all and that their own cultures can contribute and produce ideas that did not, and will not, be produced by them.  2. Such ideas will free white people from the tyranny of the particular kind of ignorance in perspectives and engendered by their unique history as they will be able to them access ideas and perspectives from other cultures.  3. Such access will disable their own white elite from capitalising on such ignorance which such elite may actually have produced, thrived on, and which thus gives them every reason to perpetuate.  Every culture that has an evil and exploitative elite will logically have cultural practices and perspectives that allows such an evil elite to exist in the first place.   Differences in historical experiences will give rise to different ways of putting up with it, supporting it, and contending with it.  It is from attentio...

Let's Play...

The job of the people, the masters, is to assume the government and professionals are lying, incompetent, or simply imperfect, WHILE the job of the government and professionals is to prove they aren't in order to justify retaining their jobs.  For governments and professionals to assert and enforce otherwise is treason, insurrection, and premeditated grievous bodily harm and murder as it takes away power from the people and is a claim to owning them. Democracy first and foremost is about the inalienable right to be skeptical in the face of our servants and not face repercussion of any kind.   NO pretext can be allowed to compromise that as it gives the few the power to own and compromise all and transfer the ownership of civilisation from its true Masters to its servants.   edX

The Evils

It's pretty bally pointless philosophising, or reasoning, or moralising with people at present, especially those in east asia and the White northern hemisphere and those within their Mephistophelean influential auspices. To do so would require people to have, intact, their natural born instinct for the value of their lives and at the very least, their closest and dearest.  But when even that is absent, to moralise with them requires one to espouse the significance of the value of life itself!  Even animals don't require that for goodness sakes. It's fruitless to begin with proselytising on the value of life itself,  because to have to teach someone about the value of their own lives, and the lives of their closest, means they already don't value it, and that can only be if they have completely lost their humanity and a significant part of their sentience itself, which places them lower than animal and plant life.  They are already diminished in humanit...

the Corporate Whore, in brief

Sexism' and 'feminism' are terms of criticism the elite promoted to present the institution of marriage as slavery so as to turn the corporate ownership, modification, exploitation and defeminisation of women into a virtue, and for women to relocate their sense of fulfillment in what was whitewashed as a 'career'.  White people need to do some thinking for a change. edX

The Virtue of Femininity and the Myth of Patriarchy

The Virtue of Femininity and the Myth of Patriarchy Prologue Don't you notice how the bbc, Netflix, Hollywood, and basically most of white or western media, is always portraying heterosexual relationships as intrinsically bad, and men as generally problematic? And promoting lgbt on the other hand?  And promoting 'feminism'? They take pains and pleasure to ensure you know the word, misogyny, but not the word misandry.  You can see many an 'entertainment' from the west where men are just evil, abusive, exploitative, etc, but you don't see much exploring the good man in various contexts in white productions.  They had it, but it was gradually whittled away as they realised whatever is being said in this article, and how the media could be used to effect their aims. Hence, all the Little House on the Prairie, Waltons-style shows in the west were gradually replaced with rubbish like Friends to The Big Bang Theory.  Back in the past, the theme was 'm...

The Soylent Age

We are exiting Humanity and entering the Soylent Age.  There is no stopping it. Thine enemy, if not thee, is beside, bedside, with even the copper being guilty of aiding genocide.  Let me put it simply, in world war 2, the whites rose up to fight against an evil of their making.   The Nazi and Japanese war machine were a direct corollary of western white supremacist colonial capitalist imperialism - if you care to read enough history.  So in putting down the Nazis, they countered the growing very-much-Nazi-colonial-white-supremacist evil amongst them,  which had inevitably given birth to the evil they fought.   In this action against the German Nazis, they sort of did a semi soul-search and were re-humanised to a significant degree.  They certainly couldn't fight an evil whilst being its twin could they.  They didn't fight the nazis to liberate those slavs, poles, romani, jews, amongst others,  in racist white supremacis...

The Final Word on What should be the Logical Protocol in the face on an Alleged Pandemic

The logical protocol should be, people who are NOT injected can carry on with life a usual. Those whom are fearful can stay home,  wear masks, await the vaccine, and wash their hands incessantly.  Strengthening the immune system naturally should be preferred as that is how humanity developed a strong immune system in the first place, as proven by growth in population since Adam and Eve,while long-term effects of Western 'vaccines' are not known.  Doing otherwise can create more problems than it solves, and most importantly, expecting people to inject themselves enables evil doers an uncheckable means to make people ill for profit, to killing for an agenda.   All other considerations are irrelevant to this bottom line.  Amen. edX

It is Scientific to Attack White Civilisation

Descartes said, not too long ago, Cogito ergo Sum, or 'I think therefore I am'.  What he meant was that to think meant to question the means by which we get to know.  In other words, the methods, means, perspectives, tools, that we need to construct an accurate geometry of thought, and tool which will not fail us in our quest, or what was once, and quintessentially, a human quest to know and to lead an open-eyed, existence.   From there, the existing means by which people sought to know was questioned, from the pronouncements of the european version of the Catholic or Christian church, the elitist model of comprehending reality, traditions, customs, and so on.   Similarly, and therefore, it is scienfic, or rational, or logical, and therefore sensible. to attack white civilisation as the 'means to know'.  White civilisation has been for too long equated with 'the means to know'.  They determined the perspectives via a host of means, be ...

Mass Murder Inc.

Mass Murder Inc. Doctors administering these 'death lottery' injections aren't doctors in the true essence of the word but murderers  Any scientist knows his job is to prove or disprove causation, NOT state that since there isn't hard proof that A caused B, that it didn't.   Logically, if there isn't hard proof that A caused B, that is itself hard proof that it COULD have.  And on THAT basis alone, if people are still coerced in ANY form,  that is, technically, premeditated grievous bodily harm and murder. People must have lost all self-respect, value for life, and empathy, to NOT even realise the above and defend themselves by ANY means necessary to stop this immediately, BUT instead view it as nothing but an 'infringement on bodily autonomy' civil issue.  It isn't.   It is outright rape and murder as all those imposing this throughout the world know full well that a percentage of EVERY man woman child and unborn WILL die ...

The Virtue of Heterosexuality

When i first heard about 'LGBT conversion therapy', i thought it referred to the now rampant attempts to impose, enforce, normalise and promote LGBT, aka, sexual depravity, to children in schools and via entertainment, the corporate news media, radio broadcasts, the Whitehouse, and the United Nations, amongst other tentacles of the globally murderous and insurrectionist capitalist elite. However, perhaps due to some deficiency - perspectival,  vitamin, or otherwise - on my part, i just couldn't see how getting children to 'identify as' another gender, or both genders, or not have a gender, and have sex with one's own, the other, or both genders, was supposed to have a socially, spiritually, morally, intellectually-enriching effect.  What i did recognise, logically, was that all this 'fluid' 'identify as' at a primitive sexual level was a prelude or prep school for the consequential eradication of ALL identity, and the reduction of a...