The Issue of China vs Taiwan, resolved

The issue is a very simple one. Taiwan doesn't belong to the China Chinaman or the Chinaman residing in Taiwan. The existing chinese living in Taiwan are migrants-colonialists who came there circa 17th century. It is not their country of origin or long tenancy, or ancient tenancy. So China's claim to Taiwan can basically be shoved up their rear ends ass and when they can convince themselves to finally arise from their dinner tables. This squabble is basically between 2 chinamen over someone ELSE'S possession. (even in singapore, the racist, fascist, eugenicist, late PM, Lee Kuan Yew, claimed it for the chinese by saying singapore would be better off without its natives and the indians. When the country became prosperous, he falsely linked it to it being due to the state having a chinese majority, and thus perpetuated and legitimised chinese racism. The chinese in asia obviously have a problem respecting other people's possessions an...