Anti-LGBT Is Not Bigotry

The LGBT's use of the term 'bigotry', with reference to those who stand against their Sexual Consumerist movement is an effort to claim the heritage of the black civil rights movement by presenting their situation in the selfsame standing as the blacks and the victims of all other such racisms throughout the world. Such usage is an insult to those suffering racist discrimination throughout the world as it equates what victims of racism are going through with these Sexual Consumerists effort to normalise and popularise their fetishes and depravity. Recognising their 'moral' right to use such a word with reference to the discrimination they suffer for their flaunting their psychosis or perversion publicly, is akin to any fetishist, be she into bestiality to incest, equating their 'suffering' or 'post traumatic stress disorder' at not being viewed as normal with people whom are discriminated against on the basis of their race. That isn't PTSD, i...