Chinavirus. What's Fact, What's Fiction?

#SkewedNews Fake news comes in so many forms. The most insidious are the ones that impress upon you that the partial truth they present is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because they'll pass any 'fact-checking' effort. The problem with 'fact-checking' is that it just sees if the information you present is true, not if you've left out crucial information, or if you're playing with words. For instance, the following by Facebook's 'facts' on the coronavirus is a good example how the Corporate Entertainment, News, and Social Media (CENSA) skews information and minds. Look at the contrasting information immediately below that. Such contradictory information is widely availabe from university studies. According to Facebook's 'facts on the coronavirus', garlic does not 'prevent' or 'cure' the Chinavirus19. Yes and no. This is fake news, or what i would like to term for the sake of ...