
Showing posts from April, 2022

foolish whiteman

"Dear Mike, There is no covid.  What you are doing for all of us is incredible and appreciated, but please stop legitimizing this scam on the world. This has been the biggest gaslighting of humanity in history. In a true pandemic, we would see it with our own eyes. People would be falling dead in the streets. A real pandemic does not necessitate 24/7 campaigns to keep it in the forefront of minds.  This whole thing has been a seasonal flu, vilified and rebranded, along with continuous and relentless pushing of fear. It is the so called ā€œprotocolsā€ that are killing people in hospitals (no one dies at home; the homeless remain unaffected) and the death shots that were intended to maim and kill, all along." For evil to have its way, it will have to manage reactions through the heroes of the opposition and direct the angst of the people down pointless paths.   I'm not saying that mike is a conscious co-conspirator, and I'm not saying he isn't....

beware the good guys

Implying that Self-defence in the face of premeditated grievous bodily harm and murder is simply 'violence' is like saying that struggling and fighting in the face of a rapist is violence.   People who take that approach are aiding and abetting a crime, intentionally or otherwise... and are serving as the PR department for the perpetrators.   The Evils will have such plants everywhere, so they can do as they do and get away with it in the face of resistance rendered ineffective by such allegedly 'good guys'. Logically, Resistance to evil must be proportionately more than the force applied to effect the evil for it to be effectively resisted.  If it can be, but it isn't, it signals desensitisation to said evil and even assimilation to it.  That is when the evil is perceived as less than it quantifiably is.  That is when, for instance, what is incontrovertibly premeditated grievous bodily harm and murder is construed a...

much ado about boris' yabba dabba do

By focusing on Boris flouting lockdown rules, they are accomplishing 3 things. 1, perpetuating the myth of the existence, or and, malignancy of the virus; 2, legitimising the insurrectionist, treasonus, and murderous lockdown; and 3, distracting people from the historically unprecedented heinous crime of mass premeditated grievous bodily harm and murder of Britons through injections via coercion. Have Britons NO sense of proportion, or justice, or the instinct of Self-defence, or respect for the Sanctity of Life, and therefore sanity or even an ounce of empathy and reason - the 2 pillars of democracy - to realise the above without a second thought? ed X


The white man had always been used as a condom by their elite.  At first, their people received kickbacks with the world being led to worship the west and buy up any good or any rubbish they came up with, from beatles to slime to barbie bimbos.  It was just mindless one way traffic.  That enriched the whiteman, but especially the elite.  And the whiteman was thus bought over with this 30 pieces of silver and became bloated with pride that blinded him to value itself despite locality.  White good, black rubbish, was the lullaby they retired to everyday for close to half a century.   That gave the whiteman a false sense of their own importance, and stopped them from learning from other cultures, while the elite learnt from the whole world, and studied the different results from thousands of years of different cultures, to learn about what elements uplifted the human soul, and which decapitated it, and then gradually applied it to the whiteman...

Enough Western Imperialism!

It's not an anglo-saxon thing anymore. It is a capitalist corporatist thing.    It started from the imperial west - no doubt there - but developed into local variants throughout. Lots of 'house negroes' about the world now in their western suits and nooses. It is only the non-western world that can stop this by going back to their cultures and cease overvaluing the west from their Beatles to Pfizer.  That reduces global collective knowledge and wisdom to the point we all become subject to western snakeoil, including westerners themselves who know little because we keep validating the little they know by talking only about that because we know they won't understand or care about our wisdoms, or we look at ourselves through the whites of our eyes and not recognise the gems that God has placed in our care. The westerners are not saying this because they have all been profitting from this for 100s of years. Even Mike Yeadon profitted from it throu...

the new normal

The Difference between a Violator and a Vaccinator What's the diff between a Violator and a vaccinator One's a by-stealth of night violator, the other has the backing of your legislator. One does it without your consent, the other sedates you with lies to get your assent. One does it by compulsion very much voluntarily, the other by contract, and rewarded periodically monetarily. With one, you lose your freedom while he's there or you're in his lair.  With the other, you lose it till you comply with your sleeves up and arm bare. With one, the government and police stop him as they're contracted by you to care.  With the other, they look away whistling merrily merrily without a care. With one, you can resist by any means necessary. With the other, the police act like they're his paid bouncer, assassin and accessory. With one you're entitled to your God-endowed right to self-defence.  With the other, effective resistance is a pu...